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Saturday, January 25, 2014

8 Foods That Speed Up Ageing While Promoting Sickness

Eating what’s quick, convenient, and tasty may fit your lifestyle for now, but you may be subjecting yourself to progressively worsening health. If you don’t shift to a healthier diet, someday sooner rather than later you’ll be a young person in an old person’s body, wondering what happened. Below are 8 foods you should avoid to age gracefully and avoid sickness.
Avoid These 8 Food-Like Substances

1. Despite FDA press releases announcing its ban of trans fats, trans-fatty processed hydrogenated oils are still ubiquitous. Don’t use them for cooking or salad dressings. They’re less expensive, but they’ve been processed only for creating a longer shelf life while shortening your time with a healthy life.

A similar tip: choose butter over margarine. You’d might as well use molten plastic because plastic and margarine have molecular similarities. Real butter is better. Use only cold pressed oils, but refuse any version of Canola oil.



  1. The FDA doesn't protect your foods anymore.
    Everything you eat or drink has bad stuff in it. pure organic
    foods are the only safe way. Having said that , you can't even prove that it is pure organic.
    Our soils have more bad stuff in them than ever . So if you grow organic , your plants will absorb all this bad stuff.
    Your best bet is to move to Iceland or Greenland to plant .
    By the way Asian people that grow rice have used human waste for thousands of years , they live well past 100.( could be the Opium)

  2. when i was a kid all we ever used was margarine because it was "better for you" and butter was "bad", ALL LIES!!! i've probably got a 90% blockage or two just waiting to get me. now i don't believe ANYTHING those idiots in washington say. it just makes sense that natural is always better. butter is real, margarine is crap!


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