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Sunday, March 17, 2013

In The Year 2013

In the year 2013, the Lord came unto Noah, Who was now living in America and said:
"Once again, the earth has become wicked and over-populated, and I see the end of all flesh before me."
"Build another Ark and save 2 of every living thing along with a few good humans."

He gave Noah the blueprints, saying:
"You have 6 months to build theArk before I will start the unending rain for 40 days and 40 nights."
Six months later, the Lord looked down and saw Noah weeping in his yard - but no Ark."Noah!," He roared, "I'm about to start the rain! Where is the Ark?"

"Forgive me, Lord," begged Noah, "but things have changed."
"I needed a Building Permit."
"I've been arguing with the Boat Inspector about the need for a sprinkler system."

"My homeowners association claim that I've violated the
Neighborhood by-laws by building the Ark in my back yard and exceeding the height limitations. We had to go to the local Planning Committee for a decision."

"Then the City Council and the Electricity Company demanded a shed load of money for the future costs of moving power lines and other overhead obstructions, to clear the passage for the Ark's move to the sea. I told them that the sea would be coming to us, but they would hear none of it."

"Getting the wood was another problem. There's a ban on cutting local trees in order to save the Greater Spotted Barn Owl."
"I tried to convince the environmentalists that I needed the wood to save the owls - but no go!"

"When I started gathering the animals, PETA took me to court. They insisted that I was confining wild animals against their will. They argued the accommodations were too restrictive and
it was cruel and inhumane to put so many animals in a confined space."

"Then the Environmental Protection Agency ruled that I couldn't build the Ark until they'd conducted an environmental impact study on Your proposed flood."

"I'm still trying to resolve a complaint with the Human Rights Commission on how many minorities I'm supposed to hire for my building crew."

"The Immigration Dept. Is checking the visa status of most of the people who want to work."
"The labor unions say I can't use my sons. They insist I have to hire only union workers with ark-building experience."

"To make matters worse, the IRS seized all my assets, claiming I'm trying to leave the country illegally with endangered species."
"So, forgive me, Lord, but it would take at least 10 years for me to finish this ark."

"Suddenly the skies cleared, the sun began to shine and a rainbow stretched across the sky."

Noah looked up in wonder and asked, "You mean you're not going to destroy the world?"

"No," said the Lord. " The Government beat me to it."

Outstanding Students, Staff And Schools Honored At March 14 BOE Awards & Recognition Night

The Wicomico County Board of Education at its Awards & Recognitions Night on March 14, 2013 celebrated outstanding students, schools and staff members. Please join the Board in congratulating the honorees below.
Maryland Excellence in Gifted and Talented Education (EGATE) Award 
The Board presented a certificate of achievement to Principal Ruby Brown and North Salisbury Elementary School for receiving the 2013 Maryland EGATE Award for Excellence in Gifted and Talented Education. This year, North Salisbury became the first Eastern Shore school to win this prestigious recognition for the many opportunities it provides for gifted students. It was one of just nine schools given the Maryland State Department of Education’s EGATE designation as a model of excellence in providing gifted and talented education opportunities to all students. The award was presented Feb. 28 during an awards program in Baltimore, at the conclusion of February's Gifted and Talented Education Month in Maryland. 
Decorating Delmarva Holiday Festival of Lights Winners
The Board presented a certificate of recognition to the following schools whose efforts for the Decorating Delmarva Holiday Festival of Lights earned big rewards to support the students, teachers and programs of the school:
In the coloring contest for elementary schools, 1st place and a check for $2,500 went to Delmar Elementary School
In the middle school tree decorating contest, 1st place and a check for $2,500 went to Salisbury Middle School

Fla. Bill Would Ban Using Food Stamps For Stripper, Casino Tabs

Florida’s strip clubs, liquor stores, casinos, pornographic video shops and bookstores would no longer receive food stamps and welfare money, if a bill filed by state Rep. Jimmie T. Smith, R-Inverness, passes the Legislature. Last week, the House’s Healthy Families Subcommittee approved HB 701, and it continues to progress through Tallahassee.

Last year, Jacksonville’s Action News found that food stamp cards were being used at strip clubs, bars and gaming centers in Jacksonville, saying, “No one is tracking how or where the money is being spent.” The Florida Department ofChildren and Families officials told Action News reporter Ashley Coleman that recipients can “use the card to buy anything you want.” DCF said it lacked laws needed to prevent such abuses. Similar revelations have been reported in New York and California.

Smith’s measure would require that “an electronic benefits transfer card may not be used or accepted at certain establishments” and specify “penalties for violations of card use restrictions.” Although food stamps are dispursed under a federal program, they are managed by the states. Smith’s proposed reform is authorized by a section of the federal Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012, meant to fix the problem. 


Hurricane Sandy Relief Funds Being Watched Closely

The White House is telling agencies to watch out for misuse of Hurricane Sandy relief funds. Controller Danny Werfel said the $5.5 billion in aid carries extra risk of fraud, waste or abuse. In a memo, he tells agencies: monitor spending, ask grantees for lots of details and visit sites. He says agencies should work with their inspectors general to spot problems early on and resolve any audit findings within six months. Werfel says agencies can give grantees only two years to spend the money. Agencies' internal-control plans are due to the Office of Management and Budget by the end of the month.

Health Insurers: Huge Obamacare Premium Hikes Are Coming

Thanks, Obamacare:
Some Americans could see their insurance bills double next year as the health care overhaul law expands coverage to millions of people. The nation's big health insurers say they expect premiums — or the cost for insurance coverage — to rise from 20 to 100 percent for millions of people due to changes that will occur when key provisions of the Affordable Care Act roll out in January 2014. Mark Bertolini, CEO of Aetna Inc., one of the nation's largest insurers, calls the price hikes "premium rate shock." "We've done all the math, we've shared it with all the regulators, we've shared it with all the people in Washington that need to see it, and I think it's a big concern," Bertolini said during the company's annual meeting with investors in December. To be sure, there will be no across-the-board rate hikes for everyone, and there's no reliable national data on how many people could see increases.

But the biggest price hikes are expected to hit a group that represents a relatively small slice of the insured population. That includes some of the roughly 14 million people who buy their own insurance as opposed to being covered under employer-sponsored plans, and to a lesser extent, some employees of smaller companies. The price increases are a downside of President Barack Obama's health care law, which is expected to expand coverage to nearly 30 million uninsured people. The massive law calls for a number of changes that could cause premiums for people who don't have coverage through a big employer to rise next year — at a time when health care costs already are expected to grow by 5 percent or more.

Tax Refunds Delayed

The Internal Revenue Service says 660,000 taxpayers will have their refunds delayed because of a software glitch. The delays could last six weeks. The bug affects people using Form 8863 for claiming education credits, who filed between Feb. 14 and Feb. 22. The form includes a series of questions. On some of the questions, if the taxpayer answered "no," the answer was left blank when the form was electronically transmitted to the IRS. Tax preparer H&R Block says it has fixed the problem. A Turbo Tax spokesman said its software is OK.

Federal Labor Unions To Protest

Labor unions want feds to dig up some bullhorns and banners to protest sequestration. The American Federation of Government Employees expects about 100 rallies to take place nationwide Tuesday. The group says it is targeting federal agencies and lawmakers' offices. They want Congress to repeal the budget cuts altogether. State employees' unions and other labor groups are participating. AFGE said it was worried about sequestration's trickle-down effect on local economies. Around here, the groups have planned protests outside the Labor Department and at Fort Meade, Md.

Colorado Sheriff Says New State Gun Laws Won't Be Enforced

Weld County Sheriff John Cooke won’t enforce new state gun measures expected to be signed into law by Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper, arguing the proposed firearms restrictions give a "false sense of security."

Lawmakers in Colorado on Friday approved a landmark expansion of background checks on firearm purchases. Earlier in the week, Colorado lawmakers approved a 15-round limit on ammunition magazines.

Both measures are awaiting the expected approval of the governor.


Catholic Woman Spots A 'Cloud Angel'

Catholic woman spots a 'cloud angel' during a beautiful Florida sunset just hours after the new Pope was selected

Deborah Colalella took a picture of the ethereal formation over the skies of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, and believes that it was truly a message from above, both in form and in timing.


In Pictures: St Patrick's Day Celebrations Around The World

The New York State Fraternal Order of Police Irish War Pipe Band 
march in the 252nd annual Saint Patrick's Day Parade in New York 

Workers dye the Chicago River green to kick off the city's St Patrick's day celebrations

The river Vilnele in Vilnius, Lithuania is dyed green to celebrate St Patrick's Day
See More Pictures HERE

Memorial Service For K-9

Memorial service planned for rookie FBI dog shot dead by New York gunman who 'murdered four people in two towns'

Officers will hold a memorial service for the FBI dog shot dead in a shoot-out in New York this morning. Ape, a 2-year-old Czech German Shepherd was killed by Kurt Myers, who police believe murdered four people yesterday.

Smithfield Foods Subsidiary Plans To Close Maryland Plant, Consolidate Operations

LANDOVER, Md. — A Smithfield Foods subsidiary plans to close its Landover, Md., plant by early fall as it consolidates operations.

The company said Friday that some of the plant’s 175 workers will be offered transfers to other Smithfield Packing Co. plants. Smithfield also said that it will negotiate with United Food and Commercial Workers union officials about other possible opportunities for employees.

Smithfield Packing plans to move bone-in ham production from the Landover plant to plants in North Carolina and Kentucky. 


College Students Spend Spring Break Helping The Chesapeake

Instead of sunning themselves in Cancun or Panama City, a group of college students from Virginia spent part of their spring break cold and dirty on a farm in Gambrills on Friday.

They dragged buckets with tree seedlings down a hillside and scattered them around a creek at the Maryland Sunrise Farm in preparation for a massive community tree planting on Saturday. The tree prep was the final task of the week during their “alternative spring break” spent with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.

Other days were spent removing stakes from young trees at a Carroll County Farm, getting seeds started at a Prince George’s County farm and building concrete “reef balls” for oysters in south county.



Now, don’t tell me that welfare recipients aren’t innovative!

No reason to stand on your feet waiting to get your check. Just put your flip-flops next in line and go back and sit on your ass and play games on your iPhone.

What a great country!

Because It Worked So Well For Stalin

Five-year plans in the Land of the Free? Apparently it’s not that far off from reality.

Yesterday Senator Tom Harkin introduced S. 544, “a bill to require the President to develop a comprehensive national manufacturing strategy.”

In effect, Senator Harkin wants the President to centrally plan the economy. Never mind that the President has zero experience in business or manufacturing. But hey, this worked out so well for Stalinist Russia, it’s no wonder Mr. Harkin wants to copy that model.

Not to be outdone by Mr. Harkin’s long-sighted vision, President Obama is drawing up plans to turn over Americans’ financial data to the nation’s spy agencies. So now, on top of everyone else, law-abiding citizens in the Land of the Free can count on the CIA and NSA combing through their bank statements.

Of course, it’s all for your protection against men in caves who wish to do you harm.


Clean Water Fund Bills Stall

Local lawmakers’ effort to ensure water pollution fines go to helping the environment failed in the General Assembly.

But a measure requiring the state to give an annual public accounting of how the fines are spent is moving forward.

Sen. Bryan Simonaire, R-Pasadena, and Del. Cathy Vitale, R-Severna Park, said they were inspired to reform the Maryland Clean Water Fund after The Capital reported last summer that most of the money in the fund is spent on salaries and administrative costs at the Maryland Department of the Environment.

The Maryland Clean Water Fund gets its money from permit fees and fines for water pollution violations.


Know Your Environment

With the increasing rate of random active shooters, violent crime, and overall “changing times” we have some tips and suggestions to keep you, your business, family, and friends safer:

If you have a firearm, make sure you know how to use it and keep it secure. We recommend a training class with a qualified firearms instructor. Many people regard themselves as “firearms instructors” or firearms savy. Make sure your instructor is qualified to teach the course. Make sure you take a training course in at least basic firearms operation and safety such as a qualified NRA course. More and more, people are taking tactical courses to add a level of knowledge. More training is always better. Unfortunately, as seen in the Sandy Hook incident and the movie theater shooting, active shooter generally are crazy and suicidal. Lock your firearms up when not in use or not at home. Most firearms fall into the hands of criminals because they are unsecure. This is especially important if a family member has “issues” or street criminal breaks into your home and obtains your weapons. And of course, you don’t want to make firearms available to juveniles in your home that may accidentally use them or use them unsupervised. If you plan on carrying a firearm, make sure you have a permit that is applicable in that state.

Don’t release unnecessary information and leave yourself open to unnecessary risk. Many criminals are opportunistic. If you are walking with your head down in your cell phone you have increased your chances of a violent encounter several fold. Make sure that you pay attention to your surroundings and people. If walking through a parking lot, be wary of spaces in between vehicles as this is a classic ambush tactic. When parking, lock all valuable equipment in your trunk or take it with you. Leaving belongings in view is an easy way to get victimized. Do not advertise your status. This includes the family cartoon stickers on the back of vehicles, address information, or any sensitive information that you do not want the get in the hands of a criminal.
An ounce of prevention. Ultimately, your security is paramount. You are not going to be able to provide for your family, employees, or loved ones if you do not provide for your security and safety. More crime deterrence is always better. Get a security survey done of your property. Get security lighting that is active dusk until dawn. Get an alarm system, cameras, and a dog or a combination of these. Dogs are a great preventive measure for criminal intrusion into your home when away. Don’t leave your garage door open. Do not leave your home or vehicle doors and windows open because “we always leave our doors unlocked”. Famous last words.

Plan for the worst. Although we don’t encourage people to be hyper-vigilent to the point of paranoia, be aware that an active shooter or violent encounter can happen anytime, anywhere. When walking into or out of an establishment take a second to take a mental picture of your surrounds and escape routes. The best way to combat a violent encounter is to avoid one all together.

Respectfully Submitted, , CEO Tactical American Security Consulting, LLC.



Pa. Lacrosse Team Bus Crashes; Pregnant Coach Dies

CARLISLE, Pa. (AP) -- A road trip by a college women's lacrosse team came to a horrifying end Saturday when the team bus veered off the Pennsylvania Turnpike and crashed into a tree, killing a pregnant coach, her unborn child and the driver and injuring numerous others.

Seton Hill University team players and coaches were among the 23 people aboard when the bus crashed just before 9 a.m. No other vehicle was involved, and police couldn't immediately say what caused the crash.

Coach Kristina Quigley, 30, of Greensburg, was flown to a hospital but died there of her injuries, Cumberland County authorities said. Quigley was about six months pregnant and her unborn child didn't survive, authorities said. The bus driver, Anthony Guaetta, 61, of Johnstown, died at the scene.


When You Don't Have A Record To Run On, This Is What You Do

"Last walk through on the street two of your signs were very prominent in the yard of the corner house, they have now like several of Debbie's signs vanished, hope you can get them replaced possibly found".

Yesterday I got a call from a friend I have know for a lot of years. He had been home most of the day but had to go out and run an errand. When he returned he noticed that one of my yard signs had disappeared. Since there are many of them on his short block it was easy to recognize. He went over to the property and found my sign thrown in the back yard. In its place was a Jacob Day sign. When he got home he found a Jacob Day brochure on his door. 

Yesterday I had the honor and pleasure of spending the entire day in Sleepy Hallow. Talk about an incredible experience. As I started off I had noticed two people in front of me. By the time I hit the third home the owner said, you know that's your competition right in front of you. I replied, REALLY, is Jim actually out campaigning. He replied, no, he has volunteers and we got into an argument with them. They insisted I let Jim come back and speak to me face to face, I said no. They then said, well can we at least get him to call you. He replied, no. Isn't there anything we can do, NO. 

As I continued door to door I kept hearing more and more of this and every home with the exception of TWO in that entire development stated they were voting for me. The funny part was, Jim's volunteers gave up and left that community after about an hour. 

I want to Thank ALL of the homeowners in Sleepy Hallow for being so welcoming. Pretty much everyone was home yesterday and everyone was kind enough to allow me to share my platform. 

As for the signs, my signs are disappearing everywhere. That's OK, I'd rather have the incredible percentage of people supporting me in the voting booth then worry about childish behavior from a select few because they don't have a record to run on.

PACE Co-Sponsors Salisbury Mayor, City Council Debate Tuesday, March 26

SALISBURY, MD---The Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce (SACC) Political Committee, in cooperation with Salisbury University’s Institute for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement (PACE), has scheduled a candidate debate prior to the upcoming general election.

On Tuesday, March 26, mayoral candidates and City Council primary winners debate in the Wicomico Room of the Guerrieri University Center from 7-8:30 p.m.


Madeline G. Perdue Foundation Announces $540,000 For SU Women's Basketball

SALISBURY, MD---In one of her last visits to Salisbury University prior to her death in December 2011, Madeline Godfrey Perdue, then age 91, had former classmates laughing with stories of the campus, its staff and life on the Shore in the 1930s.

“Madeline, you were excellent in sports,” 100-year-old Margaret Laws Engle told her. Perdue, who was featured in yearbook pictures of the women’s basketball and field hockey teams, was SU’s Woman Athlete of the Year in 1938. She would transfer from Salisbury to earn a degree in physical education at Madison College before returning to town and marriage to fellow SU student Frank Perdue. Together they transformed a family business into a poultry giant. For many family and friends, she also would be remembered as an avid outdoorswoman, philanthropist and successful women’s basketball coach (at Asbury United Methodist Church, now bordering the University).


Ohio High School Football Players Found Guilty Of Raping 16-Year-Old Girl

Two Steubenville, Ohio, high school football players have been found guilty of raping a drunken 16-year-old girl after a party last August, a juvenile court judge ruled Sunday.

Judge Thomas Lipps said the teens, ages 17 and 16, attacked the girl at the alcohol-fueled party. They could be held in a juvenile jail until they turn 21.

Both teens broke down in tears after the verdict was read, and apologized to the victim and to the community. Both were emotional as they spoke, and the 16-year-old struggled at times to talk through his sobs.


Rural Ohio School District Moves Decades-Old Jesus Portrait; ACLU Not Impressed

The most controversial portrait of Jesus Christ ever to grace the halls of a rural southern Ohio middle school has found a new home — in the nearby high school.

Last month, the American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio and the Freedom from Religion Foundation sued to force the removal of the large portrait of Christ because, they say, it violates the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause by endorsing Christianity.

The portrait was a gift of the Hi-Y Club — a Christian-affiliated student club – and it had hung in the entryway of Jackson Middle School since 1947.


In South Africa – Gun Registration Has Led To Gun Confiscation In Two Short Years

Over the last decade, it is estimated that at least 3000 white South African farmers, or Boers, have been have been murdered.
In 2010 the ruling ANC regime passed legislation demanding all firearms be re-registered with the state. Then they turned down half of those registrations and forced farmers to turn in their guns. Many believe this is a prelude to genocide.
Front Page Magazine reported:
Like so many societies where demonstrating who’s in control becomes a necessity, disarming the population becomes a priority. In 2010, the ANC-led regime changed the Firearms Registration Act, demanding that all legal guns be re-registered by July 31, 2011. In the process of re-registration, more than half the applicants were turned down, and 90 percent were turned down again on appeal. Thus, white farm families were forced to relinquish their last line of defense against the tens of thousands of criminal gangs roaming the countryside–armed with AK47s. and as Genocide Watch noted on its website last July one more step was taken as well. “The government has disbanded the commando units of white farmers that once protected their farms, and has passed laws to confiscate the farmers’ weapons,” it reported. “Disarmament of a targeted group is one of the surest early warning signs of future genocidal killings.”


Appropriators Practice Art Of Compromise

As Appropriations chair, Sen. Barbara Mikulski is working with her House colleague to pass a budget and avoid a government shutdown. 

She's an outspoken feminist and former social worker. He's a cigar-smoking Kentucky lawyer.

But Democratic Sen. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland and Republican Rep. Harold Rogers have big things in common as they steer the House and Senate Appropriations committees toward a spending plan for the rest of the year that eases the bite of $85 billion in automatic spending cuts.

Their tiny domain is the only place in a bitterly divided Congress where bipartisan negotiation thrives, however uncomfortably.


Harrington Man Injured After Pursuit Leads To A Crash

Location: South DuPont Boulevard (US113) and South Old State Road, Georgetown, DE

Date of Occurrence: Sunday March 17, 2013 at approximately 1:10 a.m.

Operator and Vehicle Information:

Operator #1: Joseph A. Watkins, 25, Harrington, DE
Vehicle #1: 1993 Dodge Ram pickup

Georgetown, DE- The Delaware State Police are currently investigating a single vehicle crash north of Georgetown after the driver led Troopers in a pursuit.

The incident started around 1:10 a.m. this morning as a Trooper was traveling southbound on Coastal Highway (SR1) just north of Dartmouth Road with a civilian passenger who he was assisting from a previous traffic stop. At the same time, a Dodge Ram pickup truck was traveling northbound in the southbound lanes of SR1 and almost struck the patrol car head on. Information was relayed from the Trooper to the Emergency Operations Center (9-1-1) about the vehicle, and another Trooper in the area was able to locate the truck still heading northbound in the area of the Nassau bridge.

The second Trooper began following the truck as it was now in the northbound lanes of SR1 after crossing over the median and striking a road sign near Wescoats Road. Upon activating the emergency equipment in the patrol car, the vehicle failed to stop and began accelerating away at a high rate of speed. Officers from Milton PD and Alcohol & Tobacco Enforcement assisted in the pursuit as the truck continued north before turning westbound onto Clifton Road. The pursuit continued through numerous county roads before traveling though the town of Lincoln and eventually southbound on South Old State Road. The truck continued across Milton-Ellendale Highway (SR16) before coming to the end of the road where is intersected with South DuPont Boulevard (US113) and crossed both northbound and southbound lanes, ultimately crashing into trees on the west side of the roadway.

The driver, who was later identified as Joseph A. Watkins, had to be extricated by mechanical means before EMS transported him to Milford Memorial Hospital. He was later transferred to Kent General Hospital where his current condition is unknown.

Traffic in the area of US113 southbound and South Old State Road was impacted for an hour and a half as the crash was investigated and cleared. Alcohol is believed to be a factor and charges are pending.

Obama: “I’m Not Involved With Drone Policies”

Is there anything Obama does take responsibility for as POTUS/CiC?
(Politico) President Barack Obama’s defense to Democratic senators complaining about how little his administration has told Congress about the legal justifications for his drone policy: Dick Cheney was worse.

That’s part of what two senators in the room recounted of Obama’s response when, near the outset of his closed-door session with Senate Democratic conference on Tuesday, Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) confronted the president over the administration’s refusal for two years to show Congressional intelligence committees Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel memos justifying the use of lethal force against American terror suspects abroad.

I’m amused that (PINO) Obama has compared himself to the former Vice President. A guy who Constitutionally has no power other than breaking a tie vote in the Senate.
In response to Rockefeller’s critique, Obama said he’s not involved in drafting such memos, the senators told POLITICO. He also tried to assure his former colleagues that his administration is more open to oversight than that of President George W. Bush, whom many Democratic senators attacked for secrecy and for expanding executive power in the national security realm.


Brooke Update

Amy Stanton Mulford

Brooke had been admitted to pediatric unit at PRMC for the night. She was dehydrated and is doing much better after being on IV fluids for awhile. Blood cultures were drawn and we'll know if anything grows in 24-48 hrs. Fever finally going down. The staff here has been wonderful! Thank you for all the prayers.

Transportation Hearing Draws Crowd, Opposition In Md

ANNAPOLIS, Md. -- More than 300 people turned out before the House Ways and Means Committee to discuss Gov. Martin O'Malley's plan to raise the gas tax and replenish the Transportation Trust Fund.

According to the Maryland Department of Transportation, the bill would generate about $800 million annually by 2016 and create $3.4 billion in transportation investments during the next five years.

But the bill would also add a sales tax to gasoline, meaning the overall tax could increase from the current 23.5 cents to 42.7 cents by 2018.

"Maryland's trust fund is broke. We need more money for transportation, including mass transit. The question is how to do it," says Lon Anderson, spokesman for AAA Mid-Atlantic. "(Senate President) Mike Miller has a bill that would spread the pain more fairly. Gov. O'Malley's bill would put almost all of it on motorists and would make Maryland's gas tax fifth largest in the nation by 2018."



Amazingly, the best recent outline for how to replace a lot of centralized bureaucracy with a decentralized civil society is written by a Democrat.

Every Conservative should read California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom’sCitizenville, a new book packed with ideas for using technology to empower citizens to reclaim the functions of government from the bureaucratic state.

I disagree deeply with Newsom, the former mayor of San Francisco, on many social issues. But Republicans won’t find much objectionable in his new book. Newsom’s praise of efforts by Republicans such as House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa makes clear this vision can be bipartisan.

In fact, the book is a blueprint for a Republican Party focused on a better future for all Americans, with more freedom, more prosperity, and lower cost.


Standard Tests Do Reveal Which Teachers Are Best

Improving the quality of education delivered through our public schools can not only boost economic growth but also help to narrow income inequality in the U.S. And the best way to improve education is to identify and promote the most talented teachers.

One way of measuring a teacher’s effectiveness has been to see how much his or her students’ test scores rise. This kind of “value added” measure is straightforward and can easily be used to weed out bad teachers and promote better ones.
