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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Because It Worked So Well For Stalin

Five-year plans in the Land of the Free? Apparently it’s not that far off from reality.

Yesterday Senator Tom Harkin introduced S. 544, “a bill to require the President to develop a comprehensive national manufacturing strategy.”

In effect, Senator Harkin wants the President to centrally plan the economy. Never mind that the President has zero experience in business or manufacturing. But hey, this worked out so well for Stalinist Russia, it’s no wonder Mr. Harkin wants to copy that model.

Not to be outdone by Mr. Harkin’s long-sighted vision, President Obama is drawing up plans to turn over Americans’ financial data to the nation’s spy agencies. So now, on top of everyone else, law-abiding citizens in the Land of the Free can count on the CIA and NSA combing through their bank statements.

Of course, it’s all for your protection against men in caves who wish to do you harm.



  1. Time to close my savings account.

  2. You must be hiding something!

  3. we're all terrorists now

  4. Pay close attention to what just happened in Cyprus--coming soon to the USA


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