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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Islam Will Take Over The World In 50 Years


  1. Less than 50 years probably, The US has been infiltrated from within, Muslim Brotherhood holds high positions in the Government and Military, Mosques are being built at light speed throughout the country. Muslims are exempt from Obamacare and many other taxes that we must pay--and their "rights" are zealousy protected by the Democrat party. We have invited the enemy here, and paid them, protected them and promoted them.

  2. I would say they hold high positions 2:10 PM, since there is one in the white house and he surrounds himself with them.

  3. Oh oh. Tin foil hat alert

  4. There are people who don't believe this in spite of the evidence and I am at a loss. What do you say? Most folks today don't want to listen and it boggles the mind. An excellent book by Mark Steyn is " America Alone". It explains much and is a good read. Please people, pay attention. The world as you know it will be gone if you stop caring.

  5. I think Alex is warning us she has her tin foil hat on again. I bet it has propeller that spins on the top of it too!

  6. Prime example of willful denial of reality is Alex--who dutifully repeats the Leftist Democrat party line every time--"tin foil hat"...."wing nuts"...."Its Bushes fault" ......"birthers".....Saul ALinsky would be so proud of you Alex. But the truth is a pesky thing--it eventually comes out. Alex seems especially defensive when Islam is mentioned--Hmmmmm.

  7. Hey joe I have a question what is your email address?..

  8. 5:56
    Joe's phone and email address are at the top of the website.

  9. Alex said...
    Oh oh. Tin foil hat alert

    March 17, 2013 at 3:32 PM

    You show your ignorance every time you make a comment. Please tattoo a big "D" on your forehead with the rest of the dumbocraps so we have a target when there is a civil war.

  10. I'm in agreement with 9:51


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