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Sunday, December 29, 2013

We Support Phil Robertson



  1. Yes. I've not ever felt so strongly about anything in my life. It's gotten to the point where the Thought Police have worn out their welcome and it's time they got a slap down. Tolerance IS a 2 way street.

  2. absolutely YES you dont have to agree with anyone but they have the right to free speech. thanks sjd

  3. Twitter and Facebook are also anti free speech cutting off people who are for Phil,boycott them also.

  4. We have the money they need to existDecember 24, 2013 at 4:09 AM

    For sure...Boycott those that do not

  5. Oh Hell Yeah! Liberal Progressives despise people like the Robertsons FOR THEIR SELF RELIANCE. They despise self sufficient people who do not depend on the Government and our Emperor Obama for handouts from cradle to grave. can't have them on T.V. showing people how to live independently of welfare now can we.

  6. How has Phil Robertson's right to free speech been infringed upon?

    Freedom of speech does not mean you have the right to not be criticized for the things you say, or fired by your employer.

  7. I support ALL free speech.

    Mr. Robertsons free speech AND A&E's freedom of speech.

    From what I can tell, both sides were able to exercise that right, and neither side has been inhibited in doing so, unless someone can point out otherwise, I'm not sure I understand what all this noise is about.

    Mr Robertson expressed some opinions contrary to what A&E wants to promote with its brand, so they exercised their freedom of speech. Mr Robertson can continue to have his freedom, A&E just will not give him the platform to broadcast it on their station.

    All speech has ramifications. Mr Robertson lost a show, and A&E lost a big money making franchise and viewers. However, in all of this mess, NOT A SINGLE PERSONS freedom of speech was inhibited.

    In my humble opinion, this campaign of outrage is not about "free speech", but it's about forcing a platform for speech of a certain nature, specifically, demonizing homosexuals. This group wants to make it "o.k." to marginalize them, to legitimize speech that makes them second class citizens. They want to feel like it is all right to treat homosexuals as immoral, and talk about them as deviants or strange, and they want to be validated in this speech. This is where the rage is coming from, not whether or not someones "free speech" was stifled....

    Because as far as I can see... that has not happened to anyone.

  8. anonymous 9:54 & 10:14,

    I'll repeat, A&E should have simply stated they do not agree with Phil's opinion, period.

    He didn't state in the interview he doesn't care what A&E thinks of his opinion and he never defamed gays in any way.

    Being fired clearly shows his rights to free speech have been infringed upon.

    You people are trying to FORCE ALL of us to be very afraid of saying what we feel and that is NOT what America is based upon.

    Again, Californians voted TWICE against gay marriage and the supreme court over ruled the American Citizens and allowed it anyway.

    You keep this kind of mentality up and believe me, Americans are going to rebel and fight back. The time is coming.

  9. @ Joe

    I have to respectfully disagree with you.

    No one, at any time, has stopped Mr. Robertson from saying what he wants at all.

    A&E is under no obligation to give anyone a platform, and they also have the right to exercise their freedom of speech and say that they believe he does not represent their brand and remove him from their platform. Doing this has not in any way prohibited Mr Robertson from saying whatever he want about anything in any way.

    Unless I'm missing something, can you point out exactly how A&E has prohibited Mr Robertson from being able to say what he wants about homosexuals? All A&E has done, has removed his ability to broadcast it on their network.

    People seem to want to FORCE A&E to give Mr Robertson a platform contradictory to what they want to present as their brand, and I cannot think of anything more aggregious to A&E's freedom as that.

    Now, if A&E had kept Mr. Robertson on the show, but under threat of retaliation or fine, or told him that he could not express himself, then we might have an argument that his speech had been infringed.. but this is not what happened.

    Joe, I'm willing to hear your argument that A&E has somehow found a way to stop Mr Robertson's freedom of speech, but I have not seen any facts presented that shows this is the case. Could you help me out and better present the facts that support the assertions being made?

  10. anonymous 11:03, First of all, thank you for this healthy debate. Neither person is attacking each other and THAT is very cool.

    My feeling are simply this. Americans are simply in fear of losing everything IF they voice their beliefs and or opinion any more.

    There is clearly a punishment for Phil doing so, he's been basically terminated.

    We have seen this very same tactic right here in Salisbury. For example, I remember when a paid Firefighter who actually lives in the City, (rare as that may be) stood up at a Council Meeting and voiced their opinion about one of Barrie Tilghman's tax increases. He wasn't mean, he wasn't out of line but let me tell you, he isn't working for the SFD any more.

    The retaliation was incredible, just as Phil and the Robertson Family is experiencing.

    In today's society, if you don't agree with the liberal way of life you are an outcast, a racist, a homophobe.

    What's next, if your a Ravens fan you'll be fired because your Boss loves the Redskins. Oh, that's right, we're not supposed to call them the REDSKINS any more according to the MSM.

    America isn't just changing completely against how it was founded and structured. It's all about FEAR and what will happen to you if you don't follow our rulers.

    The next thing you know every home in America will have the exact same federal design, same rainbow colors and everyone will be driving the exact same car. All pay will be the same because every business will be owned by the government. Not that they already aren't, based on the taxes we pay. The government is our 50% partner and they never put up a dime and never took any risks. We bank on a government that is supposed to have rules, yet they are rarely fined and when they are, the money doesn't go to the victims, it goes to the government instead.

    There's a LOT wrong with America these days and IF we continue to get bullied by our government and big corporations, well, we might as well just find another country to live in because quite frankly this one sucks any more.

    So anonymous 11:03, it's the price we're paying for standing our ground in what we believe in. Could you be technically correct, yes. Phil was never abusive. He never attacked anyone. I, like many others, support Phil's wisdom and belief. Because of that belief I happen to own an outlet in which millions of people each year come to enjoy. I am nothing like the local media and this is why we have achieved the success we have earned.

    So we'll agree to disagree.

  11. @10:14/ 11:03,

    Let's say your employer is reading this right now, and recognizes you by your writing style and use of the English language, and when you return to work the day after Christmas, he asks you to please clean out your desk; you've been "suspended indefinitely" without pay, and he states your blogging does not represent Company views.

    What say you now?

  12. anonymous 11:30, in the state of Maryland, an employer has every right to do just that. Vote REPUBLICAN for your next Governor.

  13. And I agree, with that, Joe, as well as I agree that A&E had every right to shoot themselves in the foot, 11:03 has a right to express an opinion just like Phil and you and me.

    I'm just asking him how how would feel if that consequence happened to him this Thursday.

  14. Notice how their holier than thou cousin hasn't chimed in on this issue.Typically outspoken and always controversial,he's been as quiet as a church mouse and no one has even noticed.

  15. Oh, I noticed! I was wondering if he thought I was his boss! LOL!

    11:30 & 12:41

  16. Does anyone of you use your brains? Any employer for the most part can fire you at any time for any reason, it's nothing new and many states follow the same law. As for DD I don't see how anyone's freedom of speech was compromised. It is good to see people finally waking up and taking notice but keep in mind the religious zealots will be mostly ignored.

  17. 534, where did that come from? We are all aware of present law, and we are all aware of the present situation.

    Do you have an opinion on the present situation?

  18. @11:30 AM

    I think the difference here is that the post here does not reflect back to the employer, or employee, as the posts are anonymous... one of the wonderful things I may add that encourages free speech, that there is freedom from retaliation. Since any connection would be nearly impossible to connect, I would find that an exceptionally difficult proposition.


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