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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The End Of Poverty In America

President Obama, on Wednesday, made a big speech about “economic inequality” and vowed to spend his last three years in office working to increase the federal minimum wage, as well as a lot of other things.

Just as an aside, every time I hear talk about increasing the minimum wage — there’s a strike on today at some fast food places to raise their wage to $15 an hour as well — I have a conversation something like this.

“I think increasing the minimum wage is a wonderful idea. In fact, let’s raise it to $100 an hour.”

“Oh, you’re being silly.”

“No, imagine. Raise minimum wage to $100 an hour. That way, everyone will be making $200,000 a year. We’ll all berich!


Okay, I’ll grant that it usually takes two or three more exchanges before someone calls me racist, or a tea-bagger, or even aneconomic royalist if they’re of a classical turn of mind. The one thing I’ve never had anyone do is explain to me why if a $15 an hour minimum wage is a good idea, a $100 an hour minimum wage is a bad idea.



  1. This is the same bright government who allowed China,Japan and the rest of the world to dump cheap products here so our manufacturing jobs left.

  2. Fast Food workers = $15 an hour...then everybody else's wages should be raised proportionally, right? I sure as heck won't be able to afford eating at a fast food place if they have to pay their workers that much...

  3. The workers that get paid $15/hr won't be able to buy the product they're selling.....


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