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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

MSNBC: Calling It Obamacare Is Raaaaacist

When it comes to saying something bat-guano insane, in particular pulling out the Race Card, there’s a whole range of nut-balls at MSNBC to choose from. Pretty much the entire liberal staff. In this case, it’s Melissa Harris-Perry on her Sunday show, who decided To Be Brave and say the word.

(Daily Caller) “I want to talk today about a controversial word. It’s a word that has been with us for years. And like it or not, it’s indelibly printed in the pages of American history. A word that was originally intended as a derogatory term, meant to shame and divide and demean. The word was conceived of by a group of wealthy white men who needed a way to put themselves above and apart from a black man, to render him inferior and unequal and diminish his accomplishments.

“President Obama has been labelled with this word by his opponents, and at first he rose above it, hoping that if he could just make a cause for what he’d achieved, his opponents would fail in making their label stick. But no matter how many successes that he had as president, he realized there were still many people for whom he’d never be anything more than that one disparaging word — a belief he knew was held not just by his political opponents, but also by a significant portion of the American electorate.

“And so he decided if you can’t beat them, you’ve got to join them. So he embraced the word and made it his own, sending his opposition a message they weren’t expecting: ‘If that’s what you want me to be, I’ll be that.’

“Y’all know the word that I’m talking about. Obamacare! That’s right! I said it and I’m not ashamed, and neither is President Obama!”



  1. So then, Reaganomics was racist also?
    Clintonomics, Hillarycare was racist?

  2. That's a democrat for you. When you have no defense you cry racism. Obama is a loser-nothing but lying ghetto trash and that is the truth and it's time all you democrats get some decency about you and admit it. You look at any area that's been a democratic stronghold and it's a cess pool of crime and poverty-not fit for cockroaches to live in. democrats are nothing but lying putrid scum who history tell us makes a mess out of everything they touch. If all democrats disappeared tomorrow the US would be a much better place.

  3. I guess this wench's never heard of Romneycare? She'll obey, apologize and make excuses for him because she's nothing but a slave to Obama. The quintessential demo female-do whatever the man says no matter if it makes her look like a rear end.

  4. works for me. turn obombma care into a 6 letter word. fine by me. he is what he is.

  5. Well, if Obamacare is racist, we'll just have to defund it and toss it out. There, I just did all the Republicans' work for them!


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