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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

SPD Press Release 12-24-13- Delivery Driver Robbery


  1. Nice community, a judge lives on that street. I would start my investigation with the house that isn't owner occupied, this isn't your normal sby slum where thugs roam frequently, it's got to be someone who lives or visits in that development.

  2. All of these tips are good to know , but why in the hell can't we walk or drive something without fear of getting robbed?
    I don't care what anyone says , 99% of these criminals are black. What does that tell you? Some days I really hope for them to approach me and try to rob from me , I do carry and don't have a problem with protecting myself or my family. When can we live without fear for out families? How long will we allow these thugs to go on without proper punishment? Go to jail , have a wide screen with a cell phone , education of college level , is that punishment? Merry Christmas!

  3. I spent 14 months in 1967-1968 fighting for the rights of Americans. One of these rights is the right to protect yourself.
    Another is the right to walk down the street or drive down the street. The right to live in harmony , the right to work without fear , the right to live without fear. We have allowed these bandits to live on our funds. Too many Trayvons in the country. Time to eradicate and terminate.

  4. We do pay millions of dollars to educate kids, spending almost all of that money on at risk and minority students. It looks racist to say it's a waste of money, but why do it if we're going to spend billions on free housing, food, phones and medical care forever? How much money can some people expect to be given to them?


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