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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Report: Healthcare.gov Couldn't Verify Barack Obama's Identity

President Obama -- not exactly leading by example -- was finally signed up for Obamacare in a symbolic move showing support for his own law. But, Fox News' Ed Henry reported Monday, the healthcare.gov system couldn't verify his identity, so his staff had to sign him up in person.

The reason, Henry said, is that Obama's personal information is not in particular government data bases.

"So healthcare.gov could not actually verify his identity, oddly enough," Henry said.


  1. maybe they should have checked with the witch doctor that delivered him in the little village of buttcrack in kenya.

  2. Dah, what name did they try to use? map

  3. Well, he's not a citizen of this country. We have been trying to inform, but no one listens.

  4. Gosh darn, his SS# is a fake???? Who knew?

  5. Maybe because he will go down in History as the biggest, most prolific FRAUD ever?

  6. Any starving people comments? I didn't think so.Only those of you who have nothing better to do than tell us what we already know and could care less about.The onslaught of news about Obama's legitimacy issues over the last 6 years should have desensitized us to it.Even on Christmas day you relentlessly scour the internet searching for the next negative Obama post.Go visit somebody for pete sake.

  7. Yeah, I have a starving people comment. How many more Americans are going to be starving, destitute and homeless because of the policies of your beloved dictator, Barack Obama. You know, the guy who couldn't sign up at healthcare.gov because his name and other personal information wasn't in any government data base.

  8. Duh, he's not a citizen. He'll have to go down to the Medicaid office and take a number like the rest of them.


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