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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Salisbury City Council Breaks World Record For Most Members Driving On Suspension At One Time?

Between Council President Jake Day, (who claims his suspension is a clerical error) and Councilwoman Shanie Shields, I do believe Salisbury, Maryland has now set a new world record on how many Council Members are driving without a valid license. 

I think Mrs. Mitchell might want to have a talk with her own co workers about why all politicians in Annapolis have such bad things to say about Salisbury, Maryland. 

"He who smelt it, dealt it". 


  1. Our town is basically so screwed when you have these idiots running the hen house... Just so sad, so sad. It's embarasing to live here

  2. 300 pounds Shanie? You know that weight is just from the waist down.

    Law makers being the law breakers, time to get serious about term limits. It's like welfare, keep feeding them and they will never leave office.

  3. Wow and they pass sex offenders laws to make you feel good and safe at night and it is them who are breaking the laws and driving on suspended license and who know what else they are doing against the Laws in their homes and abroad that we do not know about. Makes you wonder about smoking mirrors in your land of the shore ??
    How can those who are law breakers turn around and pass Laws used against us ???
    STOP drinking the Kool-Aid people and wake up quick.

  4. 5'6" and 300 lbs? That should be a felony right there!

  5. With that record , they will surely receive all the minority votes and prison votes , plus all the illegal votes.

  6. What are you all complaining about. You all elected these people with no morals. Practically everyone one working for the county or state organizations have civil, criminals or traffic violations.

  7. They don't really care about the effects of laws they pass since they don't abide by them.

  8. Yet another reason to be thrilled to live outside the dysfunctional City of Salisbury. The elected Mayor is an admitted homosexual, part-time, assistant kindergarten reading teacher, who is constantly seen inebriated, and feels it's perfectly fine to use public bathroom facilities designated for women; a council president who is apparently a spoiled brat that totally disregards public safety and refuses to abide by enacted laws; a chubby moron that believes in immorally milking the welfare system to house her addicted son who contributes even less to society; and now a 5' 6" 300 + lb that also disregards laws and public safety, but feels "her" constituents need more laws for fairness.

    The profiles of these clowns ought to be put on all websites designed to lure visitors, workers, college students, and employers to that town. It's obvious there's a miniature Detroit in the making.

  9. Anonymous said...
    300 pounds Shanie? You know that weight is just from the waist down.

    Law makers being the law breakers, time to get serious about term limits. It's like welfare, keep feeding them and they will never leave office.

    December 28, 2013 at 9:30 AM

    In case you didn't know it we already have term limits. It's called elections.

    These people are elected and re-elected because it is the will of the people. If you want to get serious then convince your neighbors and family members to get out and vote. Rent a bus and take them to the polls if you have to.

    The people that keep spouting off term limits are the ones how are misinformed and obviously misguided.

  10. I have said it before and will say it again 'use to be proud that I was from Salisbury now I am ashamed to even admit I was born there'. My family helped build the town and to see it brought down by all these fools is just shameful and the fact that these politicians seem to be proud of their run ins with the law is beyond shameful. A proper person would have stepped down due to embarassment, not these idiots! Clerical error or not you ARE still suspended till it is cleared up and not when you say it is, bafoons all of them and the people who put them there and allow them to stay!!

  11. Your small town mentality is biting you in the behind. I was surprised that Joe ran. With the cyber bullying, back stabbing, and gossip mongering that goes on, no one wants to run and have to spend their time defending themselves against lies.
    I bet few of you arm chair critics even voted. Quick on the keyboard, slow to get out of your chair and get involved.
    Bunch of whiners with the mentality that its someone else's job to fix.
    No one has yet to answer if having a valid license is a requirement to be eligible to hold a council seat.

    1. For the most part you get on my nerves, but I agree with you about the fact that 99 percent of the people on this blog probably can't even get off their lazy asses to go out and vote. Not even mention ever considering running for a local office. If you don't call your elected officials or show up to meetings, how are they supposed to know what you want? Bunch of arm chair politicians.

  12. She and others on the council couldn't SPELL integrity, much less act like they have any. Ducking creditors, flaunting the law, etc. is what they do. And unashamedly so...

  13. Anon 10:24AM, she is not overweight, she is a foot & a half too short.

  14. Oh merde it's the Salisbury Tattler

  15. Dear Annie; having a valid license is a requirement to drive on public roads. Being caught driving while revoked - even on a clerical error - is a violation of the law TWICE, once when suspended, second while suspended. Lawbreakers like that belong in jail not on council.

    You are right that the voters keep elected these criminals. Being said, it shows how disgracefully low Salisbury has sunk.

  16. Hate being in her districtDecember 28, 2013 at 1:28 PM

    Shanie has bragged about being a dead beat. I am not surprise, disgusted yes but surprised NO.

  17. She already had a Restraining Order on her. Shes not allowed to wear spandex in the City Limits.

  18. I voted but you can't vote for who you want, you have to vote for the candidates in your district and choose the better of 2 you don't believe in that is your "choice". If things were done to give all people a choice and a real say, you could choose any candidate you wanted isn't that democracy? If things don't change I will never vote in local elections anymore, just the presidential ones, or cast written ballots only. Don't blame the voters, blame the system, and all those who never vote but give lip service.

  19. Gay mayor obese council member lead foot day and another council member on welfare .....what's up Salisbury.

  20. 300lbs??? I am surprised she didn't lie about it. I might have. I think that weight might be a record for drivers licenses especially if you put it in proportion to your height.

  21. Annie, what you posted makes absolutely no sense what so ever.

  22. With her outstanding commitment to her own health, it's no wonder salisbury's leading employer is the hospital i hope she signed up for obamacare she'll probably need it

  23. When dead people vote or people vote twice, what are we to do?

  24. Look, enough with the fat wise cracks.

    Some people are heavy, some are not.

    I just started looking at comments and quite frankly I rejected a LOT. Come on people, we're better than this.

  25. I'm confused I thought we have innocent until proven guilty? So until the court date he's not guilty of breaking a law and until then it might have been just a clerical error. Most of you posting about tickets I'd love to look at your records.... Want to start supplying names and birthdates?

  26. Liberal govt at its finest !!!

    No morals Just tax and spend !!

    When the college and crumbling hospital decide to go then sby can be in full chi town mode.

  27. Pittsville is no better I went to pay my extremely high water bill that is due and the town office was closed. One worker finally came to the door he didn't know why the office was closed because they had to work I asked him if the office people were getting paid and he figured they were. More of my tax dollars wasted on top of what was stolen and covered up. Joe can't u check into this

  28. Hey check this out man in pharmacy this morning telling us he was in a accident and it was your MAYOR Jim Ireton that hit him and it was Jim Iretons fault. This happened Thursday downtown near the post office

  29. Not having a drivers license is no more breaking the law than speeding, and we all know how you all on this site love to speed. Just look at all the anti speed camera crap because that law is somehow okay to break.

  30. This town is run by a liberal homo and a council with a majority of criminals and fools. Salisbury can do better than this!

  31. I know one local lawmaker that is breaking the state law against "Sodomey"!

  32. This article is about speeding and driving without a license, not how fat someone is, how we get to vote or not vote, etc. etc. etc. Please stick to the subject matter. There is no law against someone being on City Council and driving without a license or speeding that I know of, however, the example Day and Shields are setting is not what you would expect of people serving in these capacities.

  33. Are the speeding cameras calibrated as required? If not, it is a problem. If they are and you get a ticket slow down and get over it. Now, back to the topic at hand. When you do not have a driver's license (including suspended) you do not drive. One of my family members ended up with a suspended license due to an error, and guess what, he didn't drive until it was resolved. Why? It would be wrong and there would be consequences.

  34. What is wrong with you taxpayers, each of these "leader?" should have a private driver and gov limo as they see fit to use it! Shame on all of you little people.

  35. How about some jail time !!!

  36. Salisbury is doomed for good leadership.

  37. I don't speed 8:54-You got it! And if in fact I did happen to speed and got caught and my license was suspended I, because I am a responsible mature adult wouldn't drive until the license was reinstated. It's a damm shame there are people like you in this world who haven't a hoot about personal responsibility. You are the prime example of all that is wrong in the country. You are nothing more than an excuse maker and an enabler to those who exhibit nothing but bad behavior.
    Anyone who approves of speed cameras is "civically illiterate." These cameras penalize an innate object (a vehicle.) It's mind boggling that any sane person would think this is okay. One thing's for certain-No true American who believes in the principles this country was founded on would approve of them.

  38. 8:37 you live in a cave? Nothing illegal about it, check with the Supreme Court.

  39. I'd be willing to bet you my bottom dollar that if Jake Day wanted an ice cold one from the Beer Cave, he would still drive on a revoked license to retrieve the beverage.

  40. What will it take for this excuse of a city to get cleaned up? How is it possible these people are the ones "in charge"?

  41. 2:53 - they were elected.

    If you don't like what they're doing, like what was said in a previous post, rally your neighbors and VOTE THEM OUT.

    Also 1:49..he'd actually call me, LOL

  42. Nice picture, Shanie. You are who I want to lead my people. (NOT)

    Excuse me while i go vomit...

  43. In reference to the comment stating driving without a license is no more against the law than speeding, you are incorrect. Driving without a license, suspended license, and revoked license are must appear violations and also considered arrestable in the state of Maryland. When was the last time you were arrested for speeding?

  44. FYI, I don't think you can conclude from this record she has been driving without a valid license. She was charged with speeding and the court's normal practice when someone misses a court date or other deadline is to 'recommend' to the MVA that their license be suspended. For a suspension to actually take place generally takes some time and might or might not actually happen.

    On the other hand, the Salisbury Council has deemed that speeding is behavior worthy of deploying automated machines all over the city and to give ticket recipients reduced burden of proof and reduced due process, even presuming the owner guilty in the case when they were not driving. And yeah they don't even think they need to requirements of the law regarding calibration for the cameras. So this is definitely another example of an elected official with a "Do as I say not as I do" mindset.

  45. 5:19 PM Joe...
    Well stated Joe.
    My hope is that most readers and posters disregard the juvenile and pathetic comments made by some. I will bet many of them are "blog trolls" attempting to gain some sense of self importance and notariety by stirring the pot. Judging by the number of hits Salisbury News received last year alone, suggests that there are many of us out there in "cyber-ville" who have cut the cable-DSL-TV-lamestream-media cord, and now research and choose their news sources.. Ultimately, one has to make up their own mind as to what is fact or fiction.
    Please...keep up the good work at Salisbury News!

  46. anonymous 8:42, Look, the court documents clearly state suspended. She did not pay the fine.

    While I am confident this attention on this matter will now encourage Shanie to FIX her problem, the problem does exist and has been ignored by the rest of the MSM.

    There is a problem at hand with our very own LAW MAKERS disrespecting and disregarding the law.

    It's one thing to get a speeding ticket. Heck, 99% of us have done so. It's another thing when we fail to pay the fine for our actions. That being said, it compounds a thousand times when you are a public figure.

    As I mentioned in the original article, Mrs. Mitchell constantly complains about what elected officials in Annapolis say about Salisbury being the armpit of the Eastern Shore. Well Ladies & Gentlemen, it is YOU who keep voting these people into Office.

  47. She didn't pay a fine, nor show up for any court date so if she is driving, she is doing it without a valid drivers license which is against the law.
    It seems like the Sby mayor and council (except for Cohen and Spies) is more like a day care center. No show of responsibility and a lot of reliance on government handouts. It kind of suits the environment though. Sby's gone to hell and the council makeup is only a reflection of it. This is what happens. Like someone above said Detroit comes to mind.

  48. anonymous 9:25, Detroit... I don't think so. If you knew what I know, you'd be saying more like Toronto Canada instead.

  49. Her license is not suspended as of yet. She IS currently valid, which is fact. License suspension for FTA or fail to comply do not start the date of the FTA. The suspension will not start until 30 days after she receives the warning letter from the MVA.

  50. I don't think so 11:17. It's suspended.
    Before January 2011, if you received a traffic ticket and the maximum penalty was a fine, then you would receive a Court date in the mail about 4-6 weeks after the traffic stop. Now, if you are charged with a "payable" ticket, then you have to request either a waiver or trial date within 30 days or you have to pay the ticket within that 30 days after the stop. If ticket not paid, after that 30 day period the MVA notifies the Court and the Court then tells the MVA that you have failed to take action on the ticket. The Court then orders the MVA to suspend your license until you pay the ticket.

  51. The city should be a Simpsons episode!

  52. For real 3:37. You couldn't make this stuff up. Driving without valid licenses, mayor running from cops, welfare queens. I heard more than one of this bunch has alcohol problems and binge drinks their selves in oblivion.

  53. THESE are your "representatives". LOL!! Deadbeats. Welfare scam artists. Rat bastids. Cheats, liars and thieves. I'm trying to keep it short here. I wouldn't trust ANY of them with the keys to a broken down go-kart. I'm not sure if they think they are above the law, or just don't give a rat's ace about it. Maybe a mix of the two.
    Keep cheering.

  54. Anonymous said...
    This town is run by a liberal homo and a council with a majority of criminals and fools. Salisbury can do better than this!

    December 28, 2013 at 9:15 PM

    Sounds like Baltimore City and DC doesn't it. Can you guess what he common denominator is?


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