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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Foreclosure Task Force Eyed In Salisbury

SALISBURY — Alarming foreclosure statistics have prompted the city of Salisbury to begin the process of developing a foreclosure task force.

Acting City Administrator Tom Stevenson briefed the City Council last week on the upward foreclosure trends that have been seen this year.

“According to the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Office of Policy, Planning and Research, property foreclosure events for Wicomico County for 2013 have increased 463 percent, notices of mortgage loan default issued in Wicomico County for 2013 increased 382 percent, notices of foreclosure sales issued in Wicomico County for 2013 has increased 6,290 percent and that’s not a typo,” said Stevenson.



  1. A task force??? Really is it that hard to figure out? No real jobs, over valued mortgages and it's a great recipe for foreclosures. More wasted money for nothing.

  2. They should only have to have one meeting, as they sit down, agree it's because there are no jobs and higher taxes, and then adjourn.

  3. What did we try to tell all of you. The MSM have kept this quiet for far too long. We have been showing all of you just how bad the employment problem is here and Pollitt's Office has not only been extremely upset with us for exposing such information, they challenge it every chance they get and the rest of the MSM never publish the FACTS that we provide directly from the Feds.

    Salisbury News has proven time and time again that we are way ahead of the rest and we provide the TRUTH.

    Just how many years have I been saying, move to Delmar, DE. Yeah, you can certainly buy a house REAL CHEAP in Salisbury but you'll pay in taxes in the end and guess what, the taxes are going UP again next year.

    Some REWARD thousands of you are receiving because you elected a Mayor who could give a rats a$$ about you and your largest investment of your life, your home. It's all about ego and it was your election to lose.

    How the majority could allegedly vote for this guy is truly beyond me but like you, I don't believe he won either.

    So who do you vote for in the next election, Jake Day????? Another jackass who has no business experience and continues to break the law. You people need to get a grip on reality. Stop voting for democrats who feed you a line of crap and whore out every single asset the City has left just to help their developer friends.

    Wake Up Salisbury.

  4. Joe pretty much summed up anything I was going to say.
    For years, I have met with council member at meetings, and campaigning, asking, when are you going to focus on bringing industry/jobs back instead of fighting over petty crap and posting a slum property of the week poster. (How long did that charade last?)
    Its time to change the structure of our government.

  5. Thats like OC,I own condos there and everyone I talk to says its terrible but all you hear is sales are up.If you have a mortgage on a condo and rent it out, you cant get enough rent to pay half the bills and taxes.

  6. "....change the structure of our government."
    Imagine that.
    I have the rope......

  7. Joe, it's plain and simple people dont want change for the better or you would be mayor and the same goes for the count and state also.I think when someone talks change some people think they are going to lose something.

  8. Yes you wouldn't want a "come here" to arrive and bring new fresh ideas to the table. You would rather wallow in your filth and complain.
    They are too stupid and afraid that someone might "change" them. And Smallsbury isn't about changing for the better, its about maintaining the status quo.

  9. If the 6290% figure is correct,which does not appear to be possible,the situation is catastrophic.Thats almost times 63!

  10. foreclosures = more rental properties = more slumlords!
    So who's gonna make out in this deal? surly not the homeowner / property tax paying citizen of Salisbury!

  11. Thecity makes it too hard to get approval for improvements & regular maintenance. That & no work...people don't care & all the banks get what they want...all the real estate.

  12. As a come here who watched the fall of Salisbury/ the shore in general it seems all you people want to do is cry, complain and point fingers. After nearly 20 years I'd had enough. Moved to SWFl, good paying jobs, amazing shopping, industry, affordable housing, no state income tax, more companies coming everyday. Even sign spinners down here get 15$an hour. The eastern shore has no idea what it's doing and it shows. Once all of us come here's you all hate so much have left there will be nothing. You people have failed to see the writing on the wall for decades and now as things continue to slide you are lost. When China starts shipping it's chicken here Perdue will simply retire and close up shop.

  13. What was the multiplier? The statistics are meaningless. A map of locations and a list of mortgage holders would be quite helpful. It was under the supervision of Tom Stevenson that NSCC allowed the housing conditions in Salisbury to continue to spiral downward while picking on homeowners for little things that they were fixing anyway. A number of years ago Salisbury Neighborhood Housing Services had done a great job on streets like Hazel Ave. look at them now...lost again because the city won't keep our neighborhoods safe and decent to live in from an enforcement standpoint.\uc0\u8236 \
    Another poster hit the nail on the head. They should only need one short meeting. SNHS should be able to bring case studies from other cities that are already on top of this. The question is are the powers that be in Salisbury willing to work hard enough to get this done or is it another political photo op...or worse, a plan to help slumlords get their hands on even more houses?

  14. So you ask this council of Foxes to tell why the chickens can't survive, really? Not one of these members has any problem paying for their mortgage, and they likely have very sweet deals that a regular citizen could never get. If you factor that health care is now more than a mortgage payment, that non-gov jobs pay is at historic lows, and the local area has been a haven for the tax takers, do you need a study to add 2 +2 = Gee our committee is the reason for all of this!!!

  15. Foreclosures are nationwide and are necessary if the housing market is ever to come close to "normalcy".

  16. Are they going to put Laura Mitchel on it ? She is the expert at not paying her bills.

  17. I can tell all our readers that are posting responses to these ASTRONOMICAL FORECLOSURE statistics for Wicomico County. SBYnews has stood at virtually every street corner reporting alarming job statistics, Local Factory Closings, Shutdowns - Warning time and time again - and yet our State and particularly our Local government has done virtually nothing substantive in helping to alleviate these DEPRESSION ECONOMIC CONDITIONS!!!

    Until such time that the public starts picketing and demonstrating - I do not forsee any significant change.

    Joe - thank you for chiming-in an reporting these alarming economic conditions. You can't say we didn't provide ample warnings.

  18. I believe part of this is a strategy of the banks or mortgage holders. They did not immediately take ownership of the exiting properties or bad debts. Took them 2 years to take ownership of one in our neighborhood. You also have to look at the cycle of the adjustable mortgages and see when their rates changed. This can also contribute to the increase in foreclosures.

  19. I recently graduated from SU just a few weeks ago. My college debt is high and I have been sending out resumes all over. Not one single lead to date. When I inquired about a projected salary I was stunned to find that many entry level jobs start out at about $8-10 per hour, and that is with a BS degree in BA.

    I can tell most that are reading my commentary about my own personal experience, that the employment conditions in our area are deplorable. I also conveyed this to my college mentor and even he is alarmed. What has happened to our Country? I really feel like I have got the short end of the stick in this deal. All I am faced with is an astronomical educational bill with no little or no means to repay. This economy is truly a trainwreck.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I recently graduated from SU just a few weeks ago. My college debt is high and I have been sending out resumes all over. Not one single lead to date. When I inquired about a projected salary I was stunned to find that many entry level jobs start out at about $8-10 per hour, and that is with a BS degree in BA.

    I can tell most that are reading my commentary about my own personal experience, that the employment conditions in our area are deplorable. I also conveyed this to my college mentor and even he is alarmed. What has happened to our Country? I really feel like I have got the short end of the stick in this deal. All I am faced with is an astronomical educational bill with no little or no means to repay. This economy is truly a trainwreck.

  21. Again you are all ignoring the real picture..... The eastern shore has no industry, no high paying jobs, and no real answer. You are all talking about an issue that is the product of the lack of industry and jobs not the cause. Listen carefully Delmarva when China begins importing its chicken products here next year it will put a real strain on the local chicken industry. If you all don't seriously find a new direction what looks bad now on Delmarva will be nothing.....

  22. Two problems on the Eastern Shore is old people control what goes on here and dont want change or growth and the enviromentists also control what gets developed with outlandish rules and regulations by many agencies.

  23. Leave Delmarva look past your nose there are plenty of jobs if you look... A college degree doesn't entitle you to a good paying job.... Employers like myself want experience..... A degree is a piece of paper experience is golden.

  24. 1:05 maybe if your a small business it dont but to get into GE,Boeing or the like it does.

  25. To 1:25 - You can forget Boeing - Boeing is trying to get out of Washington State because of regulations. The mega giant aircraft maker is moving its operations to South Carolina where the environment is more hospitable. Something our own illustrious politicians need to warm-up to.

    As far as GE - even they have moved a substantle portion of their operations overseas.

    Look - let's face it, with all of the Federal,State, and Local regulations, go look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself the question; IF YOU WERE A BUSINESS WOULD YOU WANT TO LOCATE IN SUCH A QUAGMIRED ENVIRONMENT? I say -ll no.

    Most of textiles, parts, precious metals, and even software engineers - including Apple have now moved abroad. IMHO we are finished as a nation. Just nothing left but service oriented, especially fast food joints.

  26. Taxes are too high in the city and county and both are run by people who don't have the background or education to do so.

  27. 12:54
    Wow you are out of touch.
    Your mayor is not old people.
    Your council prez is not old people.
    Old people have years of experience so when young inexperienced idiots tell them how they have figured out the world, they can tell you, been there done that.
    Your disrespectful attitude is sad.
    Those Old People have probably saved your butt on more than one occasion.

  28. Joe has published his list of manufacturing jobs that have left the Shore many times. Grumman, Dresser, Crown, Bayliner, the list is huge. Just recently, out illustrious mayor chased Cracker Barrel out of town, and is still hassling Red Light to leave. Now he wants to charge all the businesses and customers alike a rain tax, just to slow the wheels down more.

    Inch by inch, Salisbury is choking itself to death.

    Your next Detroit is right here.

  29. Crown and Dresser left because of their workers striking and wanting more money (Even though the janitors were making around $17 an hour, and the factory workers much more than that)

    Learn the facts before you look dumb, 3:20.

  30. Secretary Hall pointed out to Maryland Association of Counties (MACO)that the sky hadn't fallen as a result of the over-zealous regulations Maryland had placed on the farmers, landowners and other small businesses. For O'Malley if the sky is not falling and your staff is not having sex with the prisoners that good enough for another victory lap and a Democratic end zone dance. The fact that our neighbors are loosing their health care and houses is someone else's concern.

  31. 3:20-If the opportunity arises and you're around a group of people,ask them if they would take a pay cut if it meant saving their jobs.I will guarantee that at least one will be outraged at that prospect,even though the after taxes amount would be negligible because of the lower tax bracket.In other words,if they had the choice they would rather sit home and eat chips than work for a slightly smaller paycheck.

  32. 320 here. First off, I've been "unemployed" for 5 years now, and my trade is not hiring to this day. That's why I bought 2 business licenses and insurance and am self enployed, though not lucratively. I would venture to guess that a group of people may just want to take a pay cut rather than have it cut to zero, but that is not the goal.

    Yes, Crown Cork only sold bottle caps to Salisbury, Md, and that's why they couldn't have a raise. LOL! It may have been a national decision, but we were the "chosen ones" because out plant had the highest overhead. If our taxes and regulatory fees were lower than the other states Crown has plants in, we'd still be working and another state's plant would have gone away. Same with Bayliner and the others mentioned.

    Aside from Maryland being anti- business with losing even a solar place of all things, Our local town is hammering new businesses and pulling the welcome mat from under them.

    I hope this makes me look as dumb as you want, 429, but I disagree.

  33. 320 again here. I'd also like to comment on out college graduate commenting above that $8-10 an hour is all that's out there IN THEIR FIELD!!!! My daughter graduated 3 years ago after 4 years. luckily, she was bright enough to get enough scholarships to limit her debt, but still had to start out IN HER FIELD @ $12/hr.

    I guess wages have gone down since then, and they want to raise the minimum wage to what? With (or without) a GDE?

    God help.

    Are we to believe that our best goal is to stay in a low tax bracket??????

    I certainly hope not! I would think our goal is to attract businesses here to get everybody high tax bracket jobs! Read the other commenters who have moved elsewhere and progressing in well paid jobs! It could be true for us if we had leadership that could lead.

    Looking dumb, I guess.

  34. It is a crying shame that the American work ethic has degraded to the current state. The Obama administration has not contributed to any policies that promote growth. All he has done is promote social welfare by encouraging people to accept handouts. Look at our nations GDP and it a paltry 2% while China experiences 7+ percent. I agree with many here - it is over for the USA. We are no longer a Republic.

  35. Responding to 6:43 - That's just it, we do not have any leadership. The only leaders we have are the ones who seek things like DISPARITY GRANTS - or social welfare. Our current array of leaders are the ones who lead from behind - portraying themselves to be advocates for the working class while all the time their real desire is to keep the average worker hamstrung by promoting higher taxes, fees, licensing and over regulation. What a mess!!!

  36. One can easily see why our largest industry in Wicomico is crime. With economic conditions similar to the ones described above, it is easy to see why the crime rate is so high.

  37. For the life of me I just do not get it. We have a Governor that goes to Brazil, a County Executive that goes to Taiwan, and yet our local employment conditions continue to erode to a catastrophic state.

    When are the people going to wake-up and see things for what they are. We are in a Depression and yet the MSM just shrugs it off. The Daily Times provides a platform for our County Executive that tries to portray himself as some kind of poster boy entrepreneur.

    However, if one fully examines the economic conditions it is easy to see that it is a mirage with no solid foundation. I implore all who are posting to notify their friends, relatives, and co-workers that these type of leaders must be rooted out and replaced. Otherwise, all you are going to get is what you have been getting and that is higher taxes, more taxes, increased regulations and overworked.

  38. If the city of Salisbury puts together a "task force" I'm very interested to see who puts its together and who's selected. There are real solutions and progressive actions that the city could do to help the run away train. But the old saying "Doing the same old things get the same old results" will hold true unless they seek help from forward thinking professionals and not just a panel of the "good ole boys". My guess is that it will be made up of local bankers looking to save their own asses while putting up the appearance of true concern with viable options. Anyone wanna take the bet?

  39. Maryland has over taxed and over regulated businesses and the citizens to the point of almost extinction. Government jobs is what keeps the western shore going. It is time for the working class to get up off their a$* and vote into office people who will bring jobs to our state and tell the EPA to back off!!!

  40. FYI-I get an email of properties for sale in Wic/Sby. This morning there were 6 in my inbox. 5 of them are foreclosures. It's beyond epidemic, at this point.

  41. Foreclosures and Short sales have been about 20% of the market for about 2 years now. The only way this number can be so stable is when mortgage companies work together to manipulate the numbers to limit their availability on the market. This is called collusion, and it is illegal.

    Until that number greatly increases to reflect a real market, or decreases due to a better economy, anybody not buying a house under a very steep discount is the victim of fraud.

  42. The city and county has hired how many so called experts over the years to bring more businesses and all failed,must be they run into people that don't want change and growth,right?

  43. 8:59-I absolutely would not bet against you on that one.Task forces are assembled to promote the illusion that a community actually cares.Too much adversity has been engrained into the system for such a group to have a major impact.

  44. Not to worry Jake Day and Matt Holloway will be coming too the rescue. Just hope they don't get caught speeding or get a DWI on the way.

  45. I knew the economy was very bad here in Wicomico. How did I know - because my neighbors home on the right side of me was a short sale and the home on the left side of me was a foreclosure. I saw several others in my neighborhood that have been abandoned for several years now. When it starts to hit this close to home, I know full well that the economy sucks.

  46. Salisbury is bad, but Cambridge is worse! It's the Detroit of the Eastern Shore! Empty houses, slum neighborhoods, and no jobs except for Walmart! Town is a shell of what things used to be. Very sad!


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