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Monday, December 16, 2013

O'Malley Administration: "Major Issues" Resolved With Health Care Website

In spite of numerous technical problems with the Maryland Health Benefits Exchange, Governor Martin O'Malley said Saturday that all "major issues" with the website have been resolved.

A spokeswoman for Governor O'Malley told WBAL News, "the nine major issues with the exchange have been fixed," with the exchange. The spokeswoman said there are still some other technical problems that remain with the website, but it should be "functional for most Marylanders."

The governor had wanted the website to be fixed by now, to allow people to obtain insurance by next Monday, December 23, which is when the state says people must obtain insurance in order to have a policy to take effect on January 1.


  1. I tried and tried to get on the site and couldn't accomplish it and then I got the notice that I can keep my insurance for another 3 months. That's all I needed. Take that site and shove it. I'm sick of the democrats and Obamacare. It will be the ruination of our nation.

  2. just like he fixed Baltimore City


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