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Monday, December 16, 2013

70% Of ObamaCare Enrollees Are In Medicaid

HHS reported Wednesday that 1.2 million Americans have enrolled in ObamaCare since the exchanges opened on October 1st. The media is trumpeting this as a sign the website is improving and ObamaCare is making steady progress towards its goals. A deeper look at the numbers, however, reveals a more troubling trend. Of the total enrollees, over 800,000 have signed up for Medicaid. Just over 360,000 have enrolled in private insurance plans, just 30% of the total.

Medicaid was supposed to be a small part of ObamaCare's drive to universal coverage. Expanding an already struggling and unsustainable entitlement program may end up being the law's only "legacy."


1 comment:

  1. Considering how many more lost their insurance due to it being 'declared' sub-Owe-Blama-standard, if you still think this is working, I've got some Ocean-front outside of Phoenix....


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