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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Michelle Obama: 'Make It A Christmas Treat' To Talk About Health Insurance

(CNSNews.com) - Reaching out to "moms" on Wednesday, President and Mrs. Obama urged them to encourage others to enroll in Obamacare.

"And we urge people to reach out. And if they signed up their child, then signed up -- sign up their friends," Mrs. Obama said. "You know, if you've got grandkids, make it a Christmas treat around the table to talk about a little health care. You know, ring in the new year with a -- new coverage." (Chuckles.)

Mrs. Obama said when she thinks of Obamacare, "the words that come to mind for me are peace of mind." She said it's not about politics -- it's about a "safety net" to prevent medical bills from bankrupting patients.



  1. These "progressives" (closet commies)
    have crossed into delusional!

  2. I'd rather have a conversation about Kennedy or Lincoln...

  3. This bim wants to restart the conflicts that were already discussed at the Turkey table....

  4. as she enjoys her tax payer vacation in Hawaii. tell her to please Shut Up

  5. In our family we will be discussing the list of Democrats that voted for Obamacare and do our damn best to spread the word to get them out of office. That means all Maryland Democrats should be voted out of office.

  6. These people have no integrity. Nothing but lying ghetto hustlers. If obamacare was so wonderful it be selling itself. Anyone sane would do best to totally ignore anything out of these people's mouths. There is no value at their 'advice.'

  7. And Fruitcake is a Christmas treat too!

  8. 2:13 - Absolutely on point. Nothing but a corrupt culture trying to sell itself. To even talk about anything Obama on Christmas is like inviting Satan to Christmas dinner. The man is a traitor and his wife is a communist racist!

  9. She's one trashy broad. I'll never forget her never been proud of America before comment. This goes to show how low class ill breed she is. Her parents must be real prize winners raising trash like her because the apple doesn't fall far. People with class are proud of this country everyday. Each and every time they see or hear of someone helping to feed the hungry. Volunteering so children have a Christmas and all the other millions of good deeds people do each and everyday throughout this country makes me proud.

  10. "Reaching out to "moms""-OH Please! She's a pathetic role model for a mother. Lies, married to the consummate liar. Honesty and intercity is foreign to her. It starts with the lies and as Phil Robertson would say "morphs" out from there.

  11. H4ere's a Christmas treat. Plan with our neighbors; who has firearms, who has not, how many are registered and not, what will we do if there's a police incident, etc.

    This is a better gift.

  12. Id rather for Snowball and The Babbling Baboon just shut thier mouthful of bovine fecal matter and swallow it. Wash it down with Koolaid.

  13. Why don't you quit eating "Christmas Treats"

  14. I'm with 746 here. What a great suggestion. There should be a neighborhood plan discussed.


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