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Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Bleak White House Christmas Card This Year

The Obama family this year sent out what must be the most depressing White House Christmas card of all time. Not only is there no mention of God or Jesus, or anything vaguely religious, the aesthetics of the thing are downright depressing. Start with the color spectrum, featuring cold blue, instead of the customary warm reds associated with this most joyous holiday. Then there is the visual perspective chosen, looking down on the White House from above:

Okay, President Obama has a lot to be unhappy about. His dreams of an omnipotent and omni-competent federal government guiding a grateful citizenry are crumbling before his eyes. But hey, at least he got out of town and has warm Hawaiian beaches to laze about on.



  1. Treasonous idiot can't wait until he is Gone.

  2. Ice cold just like his obese wife.

  3. Curious card...
    I didn't think that Muslims owned dogs as pets.
    The omission of a Christmas theme is sadly predictable.

  4. He's the biggest loser President ever in modern times, but America would stupidly vote for him again if they got the chance... too many takers

  5. A typical jester for his culture.
    I would have expected nothing less.

  6. I'm guessin he doesn't own the dogs, we the people own the dogs. I bet he gets rid of the dogs or a staffer ends up with them once he leaves.
    He used the dogs for publicity.

  7. Annie ,
    Do you look like that picture?

  8. Leaves? Look around and you will see that he has no intention of leaving. With all the crazy stuff happening (refer to history books on the rise of Hitler to power), I expect him to declare martial law and disband congress so he can become dictator long before his term is up.

  9. His culture is corrupt and depressing just as his Christmas card exemplifies. What a pathetic example of being an American. A true traitor, coward and communist to the max. The America I know and love is terribly offended and ashamed by this so called president. He lacks honor, courage, code and respect.

  10. That is so sad. What am ugly card... Not a Christmas Card. And I think Annie is right. I bet those dogs go to someone on his staff his family will not want them. SAD TIMES FOLKS.

  11. Agreed 5:54. I have never been this ashamed of a president in my life. Clint was right. This rise to power has been a total hoax and the msm is culpable.

  12. And We the
    People paid for them to be maiiled

  13. People really have nothing better to do than criticize the colors of a christmas card? We really are failing as a nation.

    If it was red, with reindeer, candy canes and snow... religious nuts would be mad that it didn't have jesus on it.

    No one can do anything right in todays world.

    Focus on YOU and YOUR FAMILY. You'll live a happier life.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  14. I agree 9:04. I personally believe that red and green are tacky. My entire house is decorated with blue and silver only. Not that it matters though. ITS A HOLIDAY CARD!!! He represents ALL people of ALL denominations so he cans send a card out with a 3d picture of Jesus under a Christmas Tree. I def do not agree with everything he says/does but jeez....give the man a break on this one.


  15. Here come the liberals to Obama's rescue.

    Look, what is Christmas all about?

    IF he doesn't believe in the particulars of this Holiday, DON'T SEND OUT A CARD.

    In the mean time, DON'T IGNORE THE PARTICULARS as to me this is a slap in the face.


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