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Monday, December 23, 2013


Professional and Business Services sector – which includes
Cybersecurity – added 3,100 jobs

– Governor O’Malley announced Maryland’s monthly jobs numbers at KEYW Corp, a Maryland business that provides mission-critical cybersecurity and cyber superiority solutions to defense, intelligence and national security agencies.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) preliminary survey data, Maryland created 8,900 total jobs in November. Maryland’s businesses created 6,600 jobs and the public sector gained 2,300 jobs. Despite recent economic headwinds, Maryland is continuing the trend of each month of 2013--posting a higher job count than the same month a year ago. Maryland has added 33,500 jobs since November 2012, an over-the-year increase of 1.3 percent. This November recorded the highest number of private sector jobs for the month since 2007.

Maryland's November (preliminary) unemployment rate is 6.4 percent, down 0.3 of a percentage point from October's unemployment rate of 6.7 percent.

“I’m pleased to announce this latest round of jobs gains on the grounds of one of Maryland’s cybersecurity leaders right here in Hanover. Every choice we make is about creating jobs and expanding opportunities for more Marylanders, “said Governor O’Malley. “Homegrown companies like KEYW are the backbone of our innovation economy and provide hardworking moms and dads across our State with family-sustaining jobs.”

"Working together with the private sector, we're making real progress to grow our economy and create jobs here in Maryland," said Lt. Governor Brown. "By making smart decisions during the toughest economic climate since the Great Depression, we have made Maryland a better place to live, work and raise a family."

“KEYW is changing the face of cybersecurity and they’re contributing to Maryland’s economy in the process. One of our key initiatives is focusing on creating jobs in key growth sectors like cybersecurity. And KEYW is doing just that. They’re employing more than 780 Maryland workers and are poised to hire more,” said Secretary Leonard Howie.

Maryland’s cyber industry employs more than 130,000 Marylanders at over 11,000 businesses generating $11.88 billion in annual wages. In FY2012, Maryland’s cyber industry procured $7.76 billion in federal investment.

According to the data released today the Professional and Business Services sector–which includes cyber security--added 3,100 jobs. The Professional, Scientific and Technical Services subsector gained 2,700 jobs and the Administrative and Support Services subsector added 400 jobs. The Natural Resources, Mining & Construction sector gained 2,300 jobs over-the-month, posting the highest percent change (1.5 percent) of any major sector.


  1. Yeah, real nice; adding jobs to the NSA while places like Wicomico county plunge to darker depths. Thanks, Marty.

  2. is there anyone out there in the private sector that thinks that things are improving at all. i would like to hear from them.

  3. I'm in the private sector and things are definitely improving for me. But I repossess cars for a living.


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