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Monday, December 23, 2013

Amazing Video: Black People Erupt At Al Sharpton’s Town Hall Meeting

Hat tip to ‘Rebel Pundit’ for this video published on Dec 21, 2013. According to the description:
This past Thursday, a town hall meeting hosted by Al Sharpton and the National Action Network to address gun violence exploded into a revolt against “Chicago Machine” politics, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and black alderman in City Hall with panel and audience members calling to vote out their elected officials. One 82-year-old preacher even called for “Tea Party” style meetings in some of Chicago’s south side communities such as Altgeld Gardens and Trumbull Park.
Take time to watch and enjoy this five minute video and perhaps, just perhaps, some people are starting to wake up. It would behoove the Republican party to engage the inner city communities with policy inclusiveness and hat tip to Senator Rand Paul for his recommendations for Detroit, on issues such as economic empowerment zones, small business growth, school choice, restoration of the black family, and running anti-establishment corrupt politicians.


  1. Big Al will have to adjust quickly to get this group turned around back to the road to poverty, of he'll be carried down the skreet like Khadaffi!

  2. Sorry about this,but you are mistaken.No one is waking up.Just a temporary adjustment to the hardships at hand.

  3. too late as soon as these folks start losing their ebt cards and free phones they will be right back on the bandwagon

  4. Blame the white man that will Never end with black people how about blame you're own people that voted for some people just because they where Black.

  5. wait until the money / benefits are no longer available then they'll turn to cannibalism and solve the problem themselves!

  6. Spending millions on education for many who have no intention of getting jobs. Cap welfare at two kids and pay for no more.


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