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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Judge Rules: Obama Social Security Card Fraud May Finally Get Answers

It took years for Watergate to unravel fully. The controversy over Barack Hussein Obama and his past, along with fraudulent documents continues to make headlines. Yet, the items needed to actually verify who Obama is continue to be kept from the public eye. Well, that all may be about to change. Attorney Orly Taitz may have just found a chink in the federal government’s armor in protecting Barack Obama from scrutiny, following a judge’s ruling over her Freedom of Information Act request from the Social Security Administration.

Taitz has claimed that Obama uses the Social Security number of Harry Bounel and has submitted several Freedom of Information Act requests for the information from the Social Security Administration. Each time, she has been met with stonewalling by the Social Security Administration.

However, Judge Ellen Lipton Hollander has ruled to give Taitz “an opportunity to file a second amended complaint and add allegations of SSA not doing a proper search and withholding records.”

From Taitz’s Press Release:



  1. A Misdemeanor is cause for IMPEACHMENTDecember 24, 2013 at 12:43 PM

    In 2008 Congress found Obama guilty of falsifying his School records and he was dis-barred...

  2. He one of the biggest frauds this Country has ever seen.

  3. They wont mess with him because he is Black

  4. This person is going to die in a car crash or plane crash.

  5. Or suddenly have a "heart attack" in a public place.

  6. Y won't they interview the ss card holder????????

  7. Valerie Jarret has done an incredible job of creating Barack Obama and hiding his past from public view. What makes you think she will allow this suit to come to fruition? The truth will not come out until well after Obama is out of office, probably well after his death, if ever. And you can take that to the bank.

  8. 1:52 did you read the story? the ss card holder no longer can hold his card as he is dead...

  9. 417, there is no death certificate yet, so, officially he still can. That's why Barry should not have been issued the number.

  10. The SS card holder committed suicide, by shooting himself 6 times in the head! Then he drove his body to a secluded ditch.

  11. or! why can't they do anything?!people don't want to be the ones to dis....appear !maybe.


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