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Sunday, December 29, 2013

"It's Your Election To Lose"


  1. I like America - the one I used to know where freedom reigned.

    My concern is how do you get it back with all the corruption?

    I am at the point where I may stop voting and go into hiding as much as is possible. Even that has been made difficult with mandatory income taxes, etc.

  2. I vote for the best person so let's see what the Republicans put up.

    1. Your BOY is killing this country

  3. The Libertarians put up an excellent candidate last time but all you dumb asses voted for Romney and Obama.

    1. Libertarians are a Fn joke all you do is take away from the real person that should have won.libertarians are the REAL ONES KILLING AMERICA.

  4. If u want to continue to see America go down the tubes and bow down to Muslims go ahead and vote Democratic if you want America back to her Christian way if life vote Republican the balls in you're court Obama fools.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 2:49 They put up Romney, a man who was not so much a politician but a tried and true businessman.

    And they voted AGAINST jobs. So basically America got what it voted for. My point exactly.

  7. Vote Gary Johnson if he runs again. Screw the Republicans and the Dems. Neither one cares about anything but their own pockets.

  8. Respectfully disagree with the Gary Johnson / libertarian comments. Under certain circumstances, they would be a great alternative, but the country needs Republican management right now. Not a time for amateurs. And we are seeing the results of progressive democrat policies all around us. It is time to return the responsible adults to power in D.C. Get people back to work and then we can talk about a libertarian experiment.

  9. 2:49 you are an idiot if you think Obama was the best

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Support the Libertarian in a Republican's skin, Rand Paul.

  12. OMG! Libertarians, 4% of the vote at best? Amateurs? Are you all kidding me? Have you ever listened to them and compared them to Romney, who was for Obamacare, too?

    Oh, but you like O'care, and are sure he was the better candidate compared to Ron Paul and the other primary candidates.

    Have some more kool- aid! Guzzle another pitcher!

    And nuzzle up to the next set of Republican lies!

    Hey, Question; was Ron Paul a better candidate for America than Obromney? Well, then, your party sucks at picking winners, and bow to the Dems.

    I rest my case.

  13. The country is lost, and the Republican party will continue to put up old men, that haven't got a clue about how to win an election. Romney should have played Obamas speech about how if he couldn't get the country back on track in 4 years, then he don't deserve another 4!
    This time they need to hammer home all of his lies, "You like your doctor, you can keep him, you like your insurance plan, you can keep it"! Hillarie's, "Who cares" comments on American's getting killed in Benghazi, but no, they will continue to play a straight, gentlemen's campaign, and loose again.
    Everyday during the election, the Republican party needs to attack, attack, attack! Fight to win, and do it dirty if you have to.

  14. Again, the republicans are on the same side of the Democrats. There is only an illusion of difference.

    Please, people, read this stuff they spew!

    Vote Libertarian.

  15. Absolutely correct, 9:20. If the republicans truly want to win elections, they need to abandon their old, polite ways and fight at the level that the democrats have chosen. They also need to fight back against the unions and the media - both wings of the democratic party.

    And allow me to ask you a question in return, 8:24. Why, EXACTLY, was Paul a better candidate than Romney?

  16. Does it matter what we want? map

  17. For heaven sake, 8:24. Your post typifies exactly what is wrong with the libertarian message. In your eyes, everyone but you is an idiot; we're all drinking kool-aid (can you get any less original?); conspiracies abound, but only you can see them, blah, blah, blah. Sound just like an irrational Obama supporter just a few years ago. I would honestly like to hear a restrained, fact-based, recitation of libertarian goals and the means to implement them. Without all the craziness - that's where you lose people.

  18. Its sad to say but so much damage has been done to this country in the last 40 or so years that I'm sure as a 43year old man I'll never see it recover. Our freedoms are being lost at a staggering rate. So much so that people are at ease with street cams and the NSA listing to your private phone conversations . people don't understand when you let your government put a camera on a street corner you have opened the door for a wider variety of freedom intrusions plain and simple.

    Not to mention the people of this country have let our leaders go unchecked for so long that our own president Obama now feels and does so change laws any time he feels like doing so. I'm sorry but that in its self sounds like a dictator to me.

    Now we have children being punished in school because she refused to stand and recite the national anthem of mexico.
    Say what you will people but this country will not ever recoup what we have lost.

    I apologize for any misspelling or not knowing what makes up a paragraph for I am a child of our failing school system. At least I'm not using Ebonics.

  19. The republicans have had plenty of chances but have choked every time. Time to give the Libertarians a shot.

  20. Absolutely unequivocally NO!

  21. Both are cancers that infect America and should be recognized as narcissistic communists and traitors.

  22. Voting for Hillary would be more of the same.

  23. 824 here, and to answer 1034 & 1206, Ron Paul is all about following the Constitution and the Bill of rights. He is also against government involvement in our health insurance takeover. In fact, he is more for getting it back into the hands of the individual, as with plenty of other mandates. Paul is for smaller government, lower taxes which would make manufacturing in the USA affordable again.

    So what if the other candidates were for more control and big government. You must be ones that miss their Mommies.

  24. "Paul is for smaller government, lower taxes which would make manufacturing in the USA affordable again." Easy to say. My teenager recognizes these as issues. Like returning to the gold standard. Great abstract idea - the question is HOW do you implement these things. That's where Paul loses me. Sounds too much like Obama running on 'hope & change' but no details.

  25. Who is going to bear Clinton?

  26. Thanks, 548, for proving that you have your eyes closed, fingers in your ears, and begging for the kool aid(well, do you want me to call it diet sprite?) okay, diet sprite, for originality requested. I NEVER mentioned the gold standard, but you brought it out like a red herring because you have no defense to the facts I stated in my response, but thanks for playing.

    As for the gold standard, that would probably be the beginning of recovery for this country, as well as the rest of the world economy. It's easily figures to set a value, and when the FED ends, which would become necessary, the world trade would settle and become stable again.


  27. Europe and Asia is suffering depression BECAUSE the U.S. economy is in a shambles. Returning to the gold standard would catapult many economies into stability.


  28. On a local level how in the world have people put Norm back in office 6 times?

    He voted for the rain tax. He voted for increased tolls on the bridge. He voted for a 20% increase in the sales tax.

    Every time he runs he says he wants to bring jobs to the area, then does nothing to bring jobs!

    Vote Norm Conway OUT!

  29. Voting for Hillary would be just the same as going to the town drunk and asking about getting sober. She is the ultimate opportunist. She failed as Sec. of State and under her failed leadership Americans were killed. Just a power hungry liberal with no understanding of true America.


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