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Monday, December 30, 2013


Mob runs wild for 90 minutes in mall parking lot

Five people are in police custody after hundreds of black rioters went on a rampage in a shopping mall parking lot on Christmas night.

According to police, several “young folks” tried to force their way into the Hollywood River City 14 movie theater in Jacksonville, Fla.

They rushed an off-duty police officer working as a security guard while trying to gain entry without buying tickets.



  1. Suit em up.Afghanistan could use some gorilla fighters.

  2. Corrupt people from a corrupt culture. And they complain about receiving equality. Perhaps if they acted like responsible Americans and not like the animals they are, society would feel a lot different. Pure garbage just like their leaders and our president, the kenyasn king. We're losing America due to being too politically correct. Monkey see, monkey do!!

  3. "black young folks" enough said.

  4. And tell me who do black youth have to look up to? What do they aspire to be when they grow up? A black president does not make a huge amount of difference unless black men of this country take civility back. There were decent black men back in the day and the youth knew to be afraid of them because they stood for right. Where are they today? Now all the gangster wrap and hero worship is taking them down. The same with the likes of Miley Cyrus... this is not just a black problem. Trash is trash and comes in all colors.


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