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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Cracker Barrel Apologizes

Dear Cracker Barrel Customer:

When we made the decision to remove and evaluate certain Duck Dynasty items, we offended many of our loyal customers. Our intent was to avoid offending, but that’s just what we've done.

You told us we made a mistake. And, you weren't shy about it. You wrote, you called and you took to social media to express your thoughts and feelings. You flat out told us we were wrong.

We listened. 

Today, we are putting all our Duck Dynasty products back in our stores. 

And, we apologize for offending you.

We respect all individuals right to express their beliefs. We certainly did not mean to have anyone think different.

We sincerely hope you will continue to be part of our Cracker Barrel family.


  1. Not a problem for me. Never liked you to begin with.

  2. SOMEONE appears to be watching the bottom line in all this.

    I wonder if the PC crowd running A&E will do the same, or run their channel down in flames?

  3. WooHoo-Great News! Now gays get back into your closet. As soon as they decide to get serious about tolerance and start tolerating any and all opinions will they be taken with any seriousness themselves.

  4. People should still NOT buy Duck Dynasty items. That profit still goes to A&E. Buy Duck Commander items directly from their website.

  5. Now it's time to shut GLAAD down.

  6. I hope the LGBT Community and GLAAD learn a lesson from all of this. The almighty dollar trumps all. They and their agenda will be relegated to the back of the bus, when it hurts a corporation wallet. The is no bigger fool than someone who preaches tolerance but doesn't walk the walk. This escape they have stepped in has done more harm to their cause and has only marginalized them.

  7. freedom of speech still reigns...

  8. Oh my God, WHO CARES?????

  9. Cracker Barrel was some kind of god in Sby recently when they announced they were opening up a restaurant here.The internet was abuzz with joy and jubilation surrounding their intended arrival.What the heck happened to all of you? Where did you go?Have you gone into hiding?

  10. Salisbury State University Student getting his B.A. in " no difference b/w SexesDecember 22, 2013 at 4:40 PM

    You just do not like me b/c no matter what I get dates...

  11. WHO CARES, evidently you must be some bleeding heart liberal and is a big reason why we as America is in the shape it is now. It's good to see that at least one big corporate entity can step up to the plate and make a stand no matter who they are and not buckle to the liberal media.....

  12. Let's all agree that it takes a bigger person to apologize and ask for forgiveness for starters. Next, Forgive and Forget I thing is mandatory.

    With that in mind, it has been pointed out in comments that products labelled with "Dynasty" profit A&E and the swamp guys, whereas buying direct from the "Duck Commander" website profits the boys in the swamp only.

    With all this in mind, Merry Christmas and happy shopping!

  13. Food Network, Walmart, Smithfield, and a host of others got away with it on unfounded grounds with Paula Deen, why shouldn't A&E?

    Ask a man a SPECIFIC QUESTION. A man who is a devout Christian, and you expect a different answer? No, he stated his beliefs.

    Paula Deen got railroaded by a WHITE woman looking for money calling the race card which was UNFOUNDED for her lawsuit. The woman's history and background are highly questionable, just to be kind. The suit was tossed out, but the media ruined a reputation of a woman who lived through some horrible stuff and pulled herself up by her bootstraps and made something of herself.

    Apparently in this country you are not allowed to have an opinion unless it's in accordance to those in power or in the media.

    Remember, you don't have to ACTIVELY war against your opposing belief, simply to HAVE that opinion.

    Therein lies the difference.

    If you disagree, you are tarred, feathered, doused with gasoline and somebody lights a match.

    Instant conflagration.

    This country was founded on the basis of freedom of religion. There are so many different religions--I don't even know them all. Those that I do, some I agree with, some I don't. I don't spew hatred or non-acceptance but I AM allowed an opinion over if I agree or not. This has nothing to do with anything save personal choices.

    You live your life, I'll live mine. If you ASK me a question, I'll give you an answer. That's NOT a hate crime nor should it be treated as such.

    Our founding fathers and so many who have followed, the millions who have died to save these freedoms we SHAME because we have slipped away from the very premise that created America.

    It's all flash, all sleaze, all shock. People are being beaten in the streets, people going ballistic shooting up schools, theaters, workplaces. Our children are confused because parents either aren't educated enough to rear them OR are fearful to spank a disobedient child. Parents are too fearful to TEACH their children or too lazy too, relying on school systems or "We are a VILLAGE" mantra expecting others to do their job. You birth them, you should raise them, TEACH them. If you are struggling, reach out for help, but help, not just dumping the kids off hoping someone else will do YOUR job.

    Then we are SHOCKED that so many have no respect for others or for themselves.

    Respect, personal accountability, working to make something of yourself, reaching out to educate yourself and help others. These are basic tenets of humanity.

    Nope, apparently not..don't agree with the most extreme values and you will be shunned, beaten, you might even be shot.

    I don't CARE what color you are. I don't CARE what gender you are. I don't CARE about your sexual preference unless its preying on kids. I don't care WHAT your religion is unless it's focusing on killing others UNLIKE you.

    Other than that, please have a HAPPY DAY, really.

    I don't CARE WHAT you do as long as it's within the law, you are respectful of others and EARN your way in life.

    I'm pretty simple and basic. I'm also pretty accepting about most things.

    Each of us should make our own way, help others as we can. Pass a smile, make someone else's day a nice one.

    That's called HUMANITY, we need to rediscover it.

  14. When you stand up to the supporters of the homos and hit them in the pocketbook they cave. Homos are only 2% of the population. Decent people comprise about 50%.

  15. 4:40 If you are bisexual, you have a better chance of getting a date on Saturday night than I do. So when you decide what sex you want to be , let us know, so we can post it on CNN.

  16. Salisbury State University Student getting his B.A. in " no difference b/w Sexes said...
    You just do not like me b/c no matter what I get dates...

    December 22, 2013 at 4:40 PM

    Um... Try again. There is no such thing as Salisbury State University. If you were a true student you would know that it is Salisbury University. The "State" was dropped 10 years ago.

    This Homo is a fake commenter.

  17. Why didn't they do the same for their products with the Confederate Battle Flag. They offended more people who supported the flag than didn't.

  18. too late, i won't eat there

  19. Hey 8:43 that is no way to talk about our mayor!

  20. Bend and flow whichever way the wind blows and as lone as the dough flows, Concrete cold fact


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