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Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Viewer Writes...

Does this private, for profit ambulance need to take up 3 parking spaces? This is Kmart on a busy Christmas Eve.


  1. Maybe it was just washed.

  2. If there were an emergency he could pull out quicker. Sheesh, find something else to whine about.

    1. its not that type of ambulance service.

  3. I saw a Salisbury fire department vehicle driving around in Delaware today with their family inside. Why can't they use their own personal vehicle to go shopping.

  4. If they wanted to pull out quicker, they should have backed into ONE spot!

  5. I saw a Wicomico Deputy in a marked car today with a young boy sitting in the front. He was so so short that he could barely see out of the window. That leads me to believe he should have been in a car seat in the back.

  6. It's an illegal immigrant who can now get a license in Maryland, even if they can't read or write English, thanks to the liberal Democrats.

  7. When Sheriff, Police, Fire or Ambulances are parked in locations that they don't belong, take an ice pick and stick it in the side wall of the tires, they will have a lot of explaining to do to their bosses!

  8. anonymous 4:31, Noe THAT'S a humbug!

  9. K-Mart is never busy so I'm sure they were not busy today.


  10. Don't have an explanation, but since they are parked at far end of the row away from the store does not seem to be much of an imposition. Might have been getting chow at the Taco Bell to the immediate right of pic, and perhaps too tall to go through drive through. Just a couple of guesses.

    Santa awards the complainer one lump of coal!

  11. What really gripes me is someone with a BMW or big SUV who takes up two or more spaces because they are afraid of getting scratches on their vehicle. If they're that paranoid they should park at the end of the row.

  12. Yeah vandalize emergency vehicles, that's a great idea. You become a criminal and the taxpayer pay for the repair.

  13. 4:13
    I don't think they do emergency calls like you think they do. If someone calls 911 they are not the ones that will coming to your door. I have seen this same company take up several parking spaces over at food lion. I think this is the only way they know how to park.

  14. Anonymous said...
    If there were an emergency he could pull out quicker. Sheesh, find something else to whine about.

    December 24, 2013 at 4:13 PM

    Um... this is not an emergency 911 ambulance Dumbo. It is a commercial ambulance that takes mom mom and pop pop from the nursing home to doctors appointments. They hire people that can't get jobs at a real emergency ambulance company.

  15. Anonymous said...
    K-Mart is never busy so I'm sure they were not busy today.

    December 24, 2013 at 4:59 PM

    Look at all the cars and trucks in front of this ambulance. It was obviously busy today. If this ambulance was parked in Kmarts parking lot to get some chow then that's a double shame on them.

  16. That is not a real 911 ambulance. The owners are deadbeat has been wannabe paramedics from the Baltimore area.

  17. That is a van and it can pull in one parking space just like any car or truck can do. It only needs one parking space. If those fake EMS providers think they are profiling that fake ambulance they are nothing but a bunch of losers. They don't do emergency transports they do the Wrinkled Butt Shuffle.

  18. I f this were an emergency I'm sure it would not be a rent-a-ambulance to respond.

  19. Okay, lets bitch about something that really matters, lack of jobs, healthcare, politicians lying to us, welfare is out of control etc.

  20. No different than a rec and parks pick-up truck in the parking lot at the naylor mill road liquor store.

  21. That is one cool looking Ambo. NOT!! Go back to Baltimore where you belong. Take some of those EMT's with you.

  22. I can see taking up 2 spaces but 3 is just greedy.

  23. Should have been towed and fined. unfortunately, stupidity is not a criminal offense.

  24. The reason it took up 3 spaces is that it could not possibly take up four. So there.

  25. What a fake ambulance and wannabe EMT's.

  26. It is a modified, specific use, extra length vehicle that does not fit in a standard parking space without extending into the driving area. Even parked sideways over three spots, it is easy to see that the rear bumper is even with the end of the line marking the parking space. It was appropriately parked as to not create a driving hazard. Kudos to the driver for not leaving it extended into the driving lane.

  27. 2:20
    BULL! Ok so it might be a tad bit longer than the standard SUV or work van. It does NOT require taking up 3 parking places. Park it over on the other side where the spaces you can pull through. That way they only take up 2 parking spots at best.

  28. I work for 911 and for a private company like this one.

    First, working for companies like this allows for extra money to support familys, we wouldnt have to work two jobs if we get paid better. Companies like this are needed to take people to the doctors or even rehab if thats whats needed.

    Secound, parking like this keeps the back or front of the unit out of peoples way, the unit is long and hard to turn. Remember a van like this needs more room to back out, or to turn. If you dont allow enough room you can scrap someones car or back into something. I personally wouldve parked out at the end, and still taken two spots, but i wouldve backed in as well.


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