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Sunday, December 22, 2013

2 Stabbings In Salisbury Tonight? READ THE COMMENTS

Wicomico/ Salisbury/ 117 Washington St/ stabbing, domestic in progress, subject with a cut to the finger-42

Wicomico/ Salisbury/ Stabbing at Wawa 670 S Salisbury Blvd. Subject stabbed in the leg by two assailants. Assailants have left the scene.

Eastern Shore Fire/EMS/Police Breaking News patient being transported to PRMC male subject two stab wounds to the leg 


  1. Joe if YOU were Mayor this wouldn't be happening.

  2. Crack supply must be running low

  3. stab in the leg ? little people turning criminal!

  4. Solution: ventilate assailant's head

  5. anonymous 11:26, You can't be serious. Are you, (with all due respect) suggesting these stabbings are happening because Jim Ireton is Mayor?

    Perhaps you are suggesting I would have a different Police Chief. Well, if that's the case you'd be mistaken.

    IF anyone wants to point a finger at these kind of crimes I'd point it towards CONGRESS and the direction they have lead this country over the past 12+ years.

    I stated 9 years ago right here on this Blog, YOU CAN'T HAVE AN ECONOMY WITH 0% INTEREST RATES. IT WILL DESTROY AMERICA.

    Well, how's it working for you??? You can count on a revolution in America and perhaps these kind of stabbings are the beginning. Once this becomes the NORM, watch out people because the system will be so overwhelmed there will be no place to put every one.

    Let's just see if people say I'm crazy for even suggesting it, kind of like they did when I stated you can't have an economy with 0% interest. I'm not right about everything in life but if you chuckle heads can't see what's ahead of us then it's your own fault when it does happen.

  6. The root of all this crime is lack of a proper family and values. Children are growing up with absent parents and/or parents who behave immorally. Drugs, booze, sex, committin crimes, jumping from partner to partner, partner a criminal as well as other 'friends.' The democrats promote this. No speaking out against what the real problem is because it may offend someone. Democrats do not value honesty. It is a foreign concept to them, so I too partially blame the democrats including those locally. To them lying and ignoring real solutions to problems is the norm because they value votes more and in their minds they think it's an honor to be elected. But the reality is, they are not honorable. They are nothing but sleazy two bit imposters because we know their real motives which is nothing more than an attempt to inflate their own importance by having a title in front of their names.

  7. You are so right 8:04 but unfortunately a majority now think differently. If they keep electing liberal democrats, nothing will change, only get worse. With the new health care disaster maybe some will finally see the light and realize how wrong they have been over the last many years.

  8. 8:04 Hasn't some of those issues always been a problem? Drugs, booze, sex, divorce. Seems to some degree society has changed it's perception of right and wrong, and the media perpetuates it. No one seems to be surprised any more when it is reported that our elected officials or law enforcement are out of control and committing crimes. Business as usual mentality. You are right about the lack of honor.

  9. Democrats..Republicans..Republicans Democrats.. The reality is that these two parties play the game and play the game well. The voter is merely a pawn in the game.
    The Democrat of yesterday would be close to being the conservative of today. Control of the media is the foundation on which the "Progressives" are able to advertize their agendas and convince the voter that they represent the majority. Case in point, how in the hell did we as conservatives nominate McCain in the last last presidential election? Because the media would hardly allow alternative voices to be heard, and then when some were heard (ala Sara Palin) they proceded to try and destroy her character and values for which she stood for. The excitement in that elction was all Palin. (and for you anti-Christian nerds, just take a look and see how she handled it..and continues to do so..) The Progressives & Moderates (both Republican and Democrats) saw her as a powerful threat to the status quo and power base held by the "two Party" system. So they needed to eliminate her and any other opposing force that would not "play the game".
    So instead of focussing on the Republican vs Democrat, dig in and support the voices that promote values and principles on which this country was founded and so many have fought and died for.

  10. 9:25 Wow, Anonymous... you're so thug! I bet you have a facebook pic of you with a bandana, holding $18, in front of your mom's china cabinet. So thug.

    1. Go back to you're. Nursing home grandma.

  11. Joe I could not agree more, however you need to take it one step further - the entire judicial system protects criminals. They are not held responsible and if they are jail sentences are plea bargained and so short that there is no incentive not to commit crimes. We need stronger law enforcement on every level and we need to make sure the maximum sentences are handed out and enforced. NOT PLEA BARGAINED!

  12. anonymous 10:38, well, here's the problem.

    Not only are prisons over crowded, where's the money.

    There are a LOT of things I know that 99.0% of you DON'T KNOW.

    Take the time to call someone like Matt Maciarello or Sheriff Mike Lewis and ask them how many CASES each person in the judicial system is currently handling. Don't stop there. Ask them how many cases the case workers are also handling to make sure those on parole and probation are handling!!!

    IF you only knew how overwhelmed the system is right now. Your ELECTED OFFICIALS like Governor O'Malley, Lt. Governor BROWN, Senator MATHIAS, Delegate CONWAY and the rest of the LIBERALS have kept this information from going public.

    Come on Daily Times, check into this. You have the resources and let me assure you it's one hell of a story. Just how many cases do you think the same people in Chicago are handling at one time? And some of you wonder why government is getting bigger and bigger. And some of you think we can handle Obamacare!!!!

    It won't be long people. All of a sudden out of nowhere AMERICA will come to a very abrupt change and it will not be all too many years from now.

    So I ask you this. The Democrats have completely screwed this country up. Do ANY of you actually believe that even IF a Republican was elected they could change things for the better before it's too late????? My personal opinion, nope, not gonna happen.

    The rich are becoming billionaires and the millionaires are losing everything they had. The guns are being taken away, ammo is disappearing and even Towns like Delmar now have 3 or 4 Humvies.

    In 10 years very few Americans will own a home and most will be herded into City Limits on Government services ad private property will be no option any more.

    Oh, cal me paranoid, go right ahead. It is what you will see and far too many people are just too stupid to do anything about it any more. The weaken you each and every day. The harass you and defame you at Council Meetings so you won't come back.

    Public Officials no longer represent YOU and ME. They are ruling with a fine tuned agenda and sending their money elsewhere but certainly not in America.


  13. Thank God!!! All you wing-nuts that constantly whine and feed into the political propaganda machine, Joe Albero just said REPUBLICANS COULDN'T FIX ANYTHING EITHER. THE TWO-PARTY POLITICAL SYSTEM IS BROKEN, NEITHER SIDE HAS YOUR BEST INTERESTS AT HEART AND BOTH PLAY US FOR FOOLS ALL THE TIME. WAKE UP!!! Keeping us divided helps them line their pockets and stay in power.

  14. anonymous 11:18, Let me confirm, I absolutely did say BOTH parties can't fix the jam we are in.

    Does ANY administration want to fix the drug/crime problem in America, NO.

    We are raised to believe cops and firefighters are good people and most of them are. However, because our elected officials continue to allow the drugs to invade our communities and once in a while, (every 10 years there's a major sting and it LOOKS like something is actually being done) another 9 years pass by where the KING PINS grow their flock and a select FEW get taken down on the 10th year.

    And what's the end result. Crime goes UP, (HELLO) and guess what, WE NEED MORE POLICE OFFICERS, or should I say it like it actually and truly is, WE NEED MORE GOVERNMENT. After all, Police Officers work for the Government.

    HOW do you run a successful business???? You get into a business where there is a strong demand.

    However, let's look at how our Government actually works. We spent BILLIONS of dollars trying to track down Bin Laden. IF you had offered $5,000,000.00 to the Mafia to find him, how long do you think it would have taken to have him delivered in a body bag?

    Now who do YOU actually think AUDITED the billions of dollars spent allegedly trying to find this man? And after all those years Americans were lead to CELEBRATE his death. Puppets on a string! No accountability and in the end a select group of Americans who own these war businesses become billionaires and the economy goes to the crapper and YOU become poor and MORE dependent.

    Now, trillions of dollars are spent on these wars we are currently in. THINK!!! IF we were to shut down right here and now and walk away, how many MILLIONS of people would be out of jobs! Even IF we wanted to get out, WE CAN'T.

    SO, can a Republican get elected and FIX these stupid wars. No.

    America is in very serious trouble. This is why I do what I do here on Salisbury News every day. We work extremely hard day after day trying to deliver articles that actually EDUCATE the public. Do I agree with every one of them, absolutely not. However, those articles create DEBATE. It encourages DISCUSSION.

    No one has ever achieved what we have been able to do. Come on now, an Eastern Shore Blog with hits in the millions every year. Again, obviously we're doing something right.

    SO, how do WE fix what we are experiencing. WE attend Council Meeting and guess what, WE GET OUT AND VOTE! We no longer accept voting for someone because they seem to be a nice person or they are good looking. Rather then letting our government brain washing us, (and that includes media influence) we use good common sense. We bring GOD back into our lives and teach our children there are punishments to our actions. We demand our government get control of the illegal drug activity and if they cannot deliver to a major degree, FIRE them at will.

    It's a major undertaking, one I had hoped to start when I ran for Mayor. If the citizens want to continue to let our communities fall apart and will accept a few names every 10 years being arrested for their involvement, so be it. America needs new LEADERS and quite frankly I believe we are too far gone to fix anything.

    So let's say someone like ME were elected President. Just how quick do you think the establishment would bump me off like they did Kennedy. The establishment controls America and if you want to know who they are just look at the list of billionaires and you'll get your answer. They are who controls America.

    Look at Ralph Nadar. Here's a guy who wanted to challenge the government system and look how quickly he got shut down. Makes you wonder about the Salisbury election, doesn't it???

  15. Annie, I agree what I mentioned has always been a problem but not to the degree it is today. I disagree in that I believe those who are bringing the country down do know right from wrong. The problem is society in general has been programmed to not judge.
    Not only are we told to not judge, there are no repercussions for any behaviours anymore whether they hurt others or are self destructive and I'm not talking within the judiciary. Baby Daddy and Baby Momma don't have a problem with spending money on substances because either the government or charity will feed the children. Not only that, no need to save and sacrifice to buy the children Christmas presents because some charity will give them away to us. Dad has no problem stealing because someone will step in and take care of the children. It goes on and on.
    I'm of the opinion let them suffer OR make they do something in exchange. Go and wash the windows at the local nursing home THEN go and get your kids Christmas presents.
    Go and plant and tend to a community garden and other jobs throughout the year then get your free box of food every week.
    It's become way to easy for these people to have their basic needs plus more met. This allows them to spend what little they have on things that lead to other addictive substances and that's when the armed robberies, burglaries started becoming everyday occurrences.
    The only way for things to change is if decent society starts looking down their noses at those "from the other side of the tracks" like used to be the norm.

  16. Joe, this is Anon 11:18. I agree with every major point you've made in this discussion. However, I think it goes a step further, as far as drugs and drug crime are concerned. You state that war profiteers are pulling the strings in the Middle East, and of course manipulating us here at home. Total agreement. But the same model applies to the "War On Drugs" which is actually just a war on our own people, and the taxpayers' wallets. Just as war profiteers make beaucoup profits on conflicts in the middle east and elsewhere, the "War On Drugs" does the same at home for those who benefit. The prison-for-profit industry in this country is sickening, and not only the privatized prisons are the benficiaries. Some portions of government at ALL levels benefit highly from this...and just like the propaganda machine with war/terrorism, the same scenario plays out with the "War On Drugs." Just like the "War On Terror" it's a war without end in sight, a limitless cash cow for those benefit.

  17. anonymous 1:34, I COULDN'T AGREE MORE!

    And guess who produced a record amount of opium this year??????

    It's ALL connected.

  18. Wasn't there a $25,000,000 open reward for the capture of Osama Bin Laden, Joe? Dead Or alive?

    I'm a Republican, and I know it's off topic, but I was disgusted by the fact that the Bush admin let all those members of the Bin Laden family fly home right after 9/11 when all other flights were grounded. Then I read about all the ties the Bush family had to the Bin Laden family. Kinda makes you wonder.

  19. It's Anonymous 1:34...

    And yes Joe. They are ALL connected. And anybody who doesn't think that government isn't partially responsible for all the drugs, thereby drug addicts, thereby drug crime on our streets is delusional. Also those who think the answer is more prisons, more police, and heavier sentencing.

    I personally think we should legalize (and heavily tax and regulate) almost all drugs for adults. The people who are going to become crackheads and junkies are going to do so whether it's illegal or not. The people who are going to "experiment" with drugs and decide a life of addiction isn't for them will do the same. The only difference will be...drugs will be safer for the end user, and more importantly, we will take the profits out of the hands of the criminals (gov't and otherwise) who are currently calling the shots. I think our economy would turn around AMAZINGLY fast.

  20. anonymous 1:46, WHAT, are you SUGGESTING that IF we were to LEGALIZE it we could actually CONTROL it for once???? AMAZING! Go Figure!!!

  21. Then again, IF we were to actually control it, (like getting out of wars) why would we need all that law enforcement and where would all those jobs go? That's right, we can't do the smart/right thing because if would collapse what our democrat leaders have been controlling for so long.

  22. And thus began the day where they confiscated all the knives...

  23. 12:23 I agree and did not communicate my thoughts clearly. Growing up in the 60's and 70's there was booze, drugs, key parties and divorces. But we had a better moral compass (kindness). At least I thought so to some degree. Knew right from wrong, crimes were not as violent (knock out game). Help your neighbor attitudes. Peace love and understanding. I think that the media, and hollywood have also contributed to this lack of moral compass. Violence seems to be shoved at us with almost every show on tv (excluding some great comedies.) They even have perverted cartoons for us to watch now. This is the new norm. We have strayed so far away from basic morals. I agree about how we have been programmed to turn a blind eye. There is no personal accountability.

  24. Joe, I'm with ya all the way...but the "War On Drugs" started under Nixon. As did the DEA. And the mandatory minimum sentences, which whipped prison-for-profit into a frenzy, came out in the Reagan/Bush Sr. era. Can't just blame Democrat leaders for this particular mess, sorry to say.

  25. one of the reasons kids are the way they are is that the system took discipline out of the home if you want to spank a kid for something you have to look behind you that someone is not turning you into johnny law i don't condone beating your kids but a good butt tanning never killed me and i don't run around like a monster when i was growing up my father believed in the belt if you were doing something wrong but now we let the justice system handle our kids because people are afraid to discipline there kids for fear of going to jail themselves my butt was beat a few times and i still respect him for it

  26. Ralph Nader was a hero in my book. If only people had a clue what this man did for us. Instead of teaching about Clinton, Bush and Obama, in schools, that time should be spent teaching about Nader.

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. anonymous 2:19, I rarely ever publish any comments with such language and this will be the only exception.

    Know this ALL OF YOU. don't even waste your time writing lengthy comments with foul language because I'll simply reject it. In fact, I'm pulling that comment and changing the bad words because we are better people then this.

  29. JOE, that's a lie, they have the FEMA camps to put people remember?

    Why do you think they made them? So people can buy the prisons and make money for everyone in there which is why USA has the highest lock up rate, highest return to prison rate and more importantly, we have the highest non violent criminal who spend life in prison...

    WHY DO YOU THINK THAT IS? becasse when a private prison gets a prisoner they get 90% subsidy for that inmate, and which is why the war on drugs has failed...

    The war on drugs is to break up homes, mess with peoples lives and make money do it, nothing else...

    Had it been for something else then maybe they would make people get help instead of life in prison or what ever the time you get for small offenses is...

    these ^%$# faces in washington don't give two shits about us, all they care is about money.... They look at each person as money...

    Why do you think they are brainwashing kids, and trying to kill off the older people? well the older people had their time and now they to them are just sucking of the tit... The brainwashing of younger people is to make them believe in this crap the middle generation is trying to fight...

    You people as american citizens makes me sick at how you all can just sit back and go along to get along because your to stupid to see that in the end EVERYONE WILL BE AFFECTED NO IF ANDS OR BUTS...

    like the police, well the govt needs them to do what they are doing to get what they want done, and they to "cops" will be left to dry just like us and then wham-o nothing can be done to fix it...

    Why do you have protest in spain and all around the world where as the police are taking off the clothes and sh*t and are standing with the people? Because they are smart enough to see they are being used and once you're done being used, what the ^%$# do you think they will do to you?

    Want to find out, just look into the boston bombings... they murders them boys for doing nothing... just so they can try and train for martial law and see how people react...

  30. Marshall law and the Boston bombing, was a huge generational debate in our household. I was horrified watching the youtube videos of the PD forcing their way into peoples homes and the morons out in the street cheering. The older generation in our household had a more "complaint" attitude about it, go along/get along kinda stuff. Just goes to show that they came from a more trusting (brainwashed?)generation to some extent.
    Life is simply not the way they remember it to be, anymore.

  31. Hey Anon 2:10!

    The War On Drugs might have been started by Nixon, but only because the liberals were out in the streets getting high on everything in sight and having free love orgies! Nutjobs then, nutjobs now. Reagan and Bush Sr had the right idea with mandatory minimums. Do the crime, do the time. Or better idea, put the dope down and get a job liberals, hippies, or whatever you freaks are calling yourselves these days!

  32. Simple solution. Stop giving criminals more rights than the victims. Use the death penalty. No appeals. Death penalty for murder, rape, child molestation, the selling of drugs. No second chance. Then on drug use the third time death penalty. Three strikes your out, no more life sentences. Death penalty for them too. Stop coddling the criminals. Treat them like they deserve beacause they have no qualms about how they treat you.

  33. Come on people, do you think it's that simple. Lock them up forever or kill them all. You won't be saying that when one of your kids is charged with a crime. Oh, and don't say your kids would never do such a thing either, unless you can't have kids.

    Mature up a little bit here and face the facts. We have a GOVERNMENT problem, both democrat and republican. It is NOT just your President, it's your Congress and many others just below.

    We need to take back control. We need law enforcement to actually DO THEIR JOB. Yet, how can they when you have Judges who won't prosecute or are limited to guideline sentences.

    I know I want my law enforcement to stop drugs which will almost eliminate most crime. I want regular Joe's who have good business experience to run for Office. Not just the once in a lifetime Joe. I want hundreds and hundreds of them. I want it to be an honor to represent the public and not a reward financially.

    Now think for a minute, do YOU think ANYONE you know of these days is willing to do such a thing?

    Do YOU actually believe YOUR children will have a bigger or better home than YOU or your PARENTS provided? The answer is, NO. They won't make the same money and they won't be rewarded. They'll never live up to what we were able to achieve and this is why so many have turned to drugs. The hope and dream is shot and the new standard is simply pleasing your government. The new reward is to not be a criminal and then your an outstanding citizen. There used to be shame in stealing a candy bar, filing bankruptcy and so forth. Now we have people stealing cash out of the jar at a local farm with fresh produce. Bankruptcy is the new norm. Hell, just look at Salisbury's City Council. Bankruptcy's, driving without a license and excess speeding tickets, affordable housing, states attorney gets dui, there's no shame any more. It's the new norm. I'll even be kind and leave the Mayor out of it.

    Here's the bottom line. Will you rise up like an honorable AMERICAN and make a difference or will you continue to be a COWARD and raise your children through TEACHERS because your a loser? I mean NO disrespect towards Teachers and in fact I say Thank You for doing what MOST parents cannot or will not do.

    Hold your elected official accountable. Ask Maciarelo why they are so short handed and so many criminals are walking away scott free. Ask Mike Lewis why there aren't more drug stings and DON'T let them tell you because they don't have the money. They have DRUG money like there's no tomorrow. I want my County SAFE and the ONLY way to make it safe is to get the damn drugs off the streets.

  34. These are EMS calls. Why is a paid fire engine crew responding and chasing ambulances?

  35. 9:20 from Today
    Who nominated McCain in the last election? Did we miss something?

  36. Joe eluded to what is known as The Military Industrial Complex and how if wars (and conflicts) were suddenly stopped, millions would be out of jobs.
    We are now also dealing with the Prison/Detention Center Complex. I know in FL the corrections system is the largest employer. It's not just the government employees but also those that work for the companies contracted out by the prison systems for instance food suppliers, who rely on crime for their livelihood. Then we now have the Educational Industrial Complex. Just Google how much money some companies including Apple are making off of Common Core.

  37. Change will come with Jesus .

  38. When Maryland law allows us to protect ourselves these incidents will slow down considerably.

  39. after the smoke clearsDecember 16, 2013 at 5:07 PM

    Hey Annie,

    I hope the left tries to get into my home with Martial Law....I will have a surprise party for them

  40. Bob Culver should be Mayor.

  41. Annie, your comment brings to mind the most recent school shooting. It was heartbreaking watching the students walking single file w/their hands on their heads getting frisked before being bused to another location. And how schools have to go "into lockdown!" I hate that phrase. It should be reserved for prisons! Call it Safe Mode or something but not lockdown. Whomever came up with that should go in front of a firing squad-just kiddin-anyway one of the common denominators we are seeing with these children shooters are drugs legally shoved down their throats. You cannot suddenly stop using a mind altering drug without problems. Parents need to say NO to these prescriptions and the social engineering of their kids. Not all kids are alike. Some are more active, some don't have 'social skills', some are shy but their is nothing wrong with them. A lot of these kids who were drugged up as small children are the ones who don't amount to much and are in trouble as adults, because the drugs have so much pull on them.

  42. 4:07 some people on here are a little behind.

  43. I'm sick and tired of this town going down the toilet!! The Mayor does nothing. City Council does nothing. SPD covers up everything they can. We can no longer look to people to make this place livable once again. It is time for every single one of us to stand up and say "Enough!!" If you see something out of place, do something about it! Cry me a river about the political correct garbage, that's making us weaker. Low income, uneducated thugs have taken this city. It's time to take it back. Now is all we have.

  44. Meanwhile wboc reports a beer can assault in Salisbury with no mention of stabbings

  45. WBOC mentioned something this morning on the 6AM news that there was one stabbing. I didn't hear the whole story, but when I checked their fb and website there was no mention of it at all

  46. Wow, I am impressed by the mostly civil comments on this subject. I like it. Now that we have proved we can do it, we have no excuse not to do it everyday.

    I think it may finally be sinking in that no one who is elected can do much of anything. WE have kept our heads in the sand for far too long. Just putting someone in an office and saying, here, fix this, is never going to work.

    It is everyone's problems, and it will take everyone to fix it.

  47. None of these comments touched on the real reason behind a lot of this crime-it all traces back to LBJ and his big "welfare" deal in 1964.He said they would vote Democrat for the next 200 years and damn he was right.

  48. We can go back and forth on the blame game forever, but does that really help or solve anything? We know we have a problem, we know most of what the problem is, and while it is important to know how and where the problem came from to avoid it the next time, we still need to fix the problem.

    Pointing fingers is a black hole where nothing gets fixed.

  49. Fixing the problem on the shore is a huge issue. The shore has based its success on tourism and farming and now both are in a decline. Without a good mix of industry, and retail nothing will change the shore. The fix.... Find out why companies won't come to the shore and look for solutions. The locals also need to stop bashing outsiders. You locals can't afford to support yourselves so you all better make nice with the come here's. OC needs a makeover... Cleanup the boardwalk businesses, finish the stupid comfort station... Really a year to build? Not acceptable! How many times will people come and play the same golf, ect. It needs to be rethought. The pay to park is a slap in the face to the tourist and local alike. The inlet is one thing, the streets are another. Some fresh paint, new light bulbs, take some pride in OC! Or it will go like asbury park nj a ghost town. The shore has a short time to figure itself out or just shut the door.

  50. Salisbury = Baltimore City without the high rises

  51. Anonymous said...
    Salisbury = Baltimore City without the high rises

    December 22, 2013 at 8:12 PM

    No Baltimore City has more to offer and there is more money there as well. There is no comparison.

  52. Your Constitutional rights and your freedom were both seized on October 26, 2001. The day G.W.Bush signed (USA PATRIOT) Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001.
    The Patriot Act
    In nearly unanimous voting Congress passed this unconstitutional (a federal judge just recently deemed parts surely are) and anti-American legislature as a knee-jerk reaction to a tragedy. And, Obama w/o hesitation, signed an extension of the sunset provisions. (Fitting neatly into his own agenda)
    It is truly America's annihilation.


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