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Saturday, November 02, 2013

Why Is Hillary Clinton's Popularity Sliding?

Since leaving the Obama administration, Clinton's favorability ratings have plunged a net 18 points
Hillary Clinton left the State Department with a sky-high approval rating. With her broad appeal and presumed White House ambitions, the conventional wisdom, supported by early polls, suggested she would roll to the Democratic nomination in 2016 and then trounce whomever Republicans trotted out to face her.

Yet less than a year removed from her old job, Clinton's popularity has fallen from its once-lofty heights, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll out this week.

In the poll, 46 percent of adults expressed a favorable opinion of Clinton, while 33 percent viewed her unfavorably. That's not too shabby — Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) came in with a 17/43 favorable to unfavorable split — but it's well down from January, when 56 percent liked Clinton versus 25 percent who did not.

All told, that means Clinton's net favorability had fallen an astounding 18 points since the start of the year.



  1. Because she is ugly , not just fiscally , but mentally. It's all about $$$$$.

  2. What does it matter.

  3. Did she ever have any?


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