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Sunday, November 10, 2013

White Racists More Likely To Be Gun Owners: Study

Are gun ownership and racism linked?

Researchers have found that the more racist beliefs held by a white person, the more likely the person is to own a gun — conclusions that have rankled gun rights advocates.

A team led by Kerry O'Brien, of Monash University in Australia and The University of Manchester in the United Kingdom, examined white Americans’ negative perceptions about blacks and compared the rates of both gun ownership and opposition to gun control to discover the correlations.
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  1. Is it racism to realize that certain races have a higher incidence of criminal activity and want to protect oneself?

    If so, we're all at least a little racist.

    I don't consider it racism - but factual!

  2. So racist, murdering black thugs don't own guns? What do you call it then? We know they have guns and they are stolen.

  3. If you're white you're considered a racist by the left...White people are discriminated against daily.

  4. Another liberal program trying to justify taking legally owned guns for responsible white people.

  5. This is so much BS! Only quizzing white males who are legal gun owners? When are they going to quiz all the BM's that own illegal guns about how they feel about crackers?!

    What a racist, bigoted survey!

  6. then Jesse Jackson and Reverend Al must have an arsenal .

  7. You're stupid if you believe this one.

  8. dumb a article. dumb a people writing this article. clueless at best.

    racist? really? so i guess that's why blacks kill blacks for the most part. hmmmmmm.

  9. I've travel around this world. I have come to the conclusion that most whites in America are racist. Deal with it.

  10. 8:36 So, you must be the one who did the survey. Travel this country one more time, this time only stopping and walking through black neighborhoods!

    I won't wait for you to get back with me!

  11. 6:56 am,
    I walked through a Black neighborhood this morning. It was wonderful. I'm still here.

  12. This article is propaganda written by authors from countries that have bans for citizens. I'm black and own a legal firearm. This really isn't worth the calories I burned commenting on this trash.


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