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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The United States Has More People In Jail Than High School Teachers And Engineers

America has become a gigantic gulag over the past few decades and most of its citizens don’t know, or just don’t care. One of the primary causes of the over incarceration in the U.S. is the absurd, tragic failure that is the “war on drugs”, and indeed nearly half of the folks in prison are there for drug related offenses. [5] Making matters worse is a rapidly growing private prison system, which adds a profit motive to the equation. Recently, I wrote an extensive rant against the private prison system and provided details on how it works in: A Deep Look into the Shady World of the Private Prison Industry. [6]

Now here are some of the sad facts. There are 1.57 million people in federal and state prison (does not even include county and local jail) according to the Department of Justice. That’s above the nation’s 1.53 million engineers and 1.05 million high school teachers.



  1. And millions of sex offenders who also need to be locked up and forgotten.In the history books of the future the 21st century US will be referred to as a great big penal colony.

  2. You have to question how many are in jail for possession of pot.

  3. Not many are in jail for marijuana. USA= a country full of con-men and criminals. Many more should be in jail.

  4. I don't know about Engineers, But I agree, a lot more High School Teachers should be in Jail.

  5. You are right 11:29 and now that so many prisons are for private they are lobbying against a reduction in pot laws because it will hurt their profits.

  6. got to keep feeding the beast!


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