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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Chicken Slaughtered, Raised In China Could Pose Major Risk

USDA Says It Has Not Finalized Audit Of China

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Chicken from China has officials on alert, including U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.)

As WCBS 880’s Jim Smith reported Sunday, Schumer said first, the U.S. Department of Agriculture only allowed chickens that had been processed in China to be sold in the U.S. Now, he said the USDA plans to green-light poultry raised and slaughtered in China.



  1. will not eat this chicken.

  2. Remember the CHEAP intentionally toxic drywall that China tried to have installed in every new American's home? Remember how sick it made everyone, how it corroded anything metal, throughout the house? Remember who paid the freight in the end, for that garbage? The homeowner, in sickness and dollars, no one else. Before you eat ANY China food products, compare how it looks vs any, even low quality, American produced or South American/Mexico food. If you do, you'll throw it away. They want us dead and not to long into our future the Sleeping Dog will rise and come to conquer America. And all that worthless crap that we bought from China, with U.S. dollars, systematically and gradually removed all major industries and manufacturing businesses that used to be in America. Until YOU stop buying it, until politicians are forced to close the trade door, things will continue to get worse. I refuse to eat Chinese anything, knowingly. They want us dead.

  3. Grow and process my own... enjoy your "great" chicken friends.

  4. People need to pay attention to the mess our sorry government lets in from China. I wouldn't let China feed my dog. Oh that's right, they already killed people's dogs with bad dog food. Not to mention the tainted infant formula and the toxic toys. What exactly is it going to take for our government to actually limit what we get from China. Their stuff is bad, toxic, poisonous and sub par at best. First pigs now chickens. I agree with previous poster, grow your own.

  5. I'm NOT buying Smithfield anymore, either.

  6. We could turn around and sell them back to Russia


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