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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Second Wave Of Health Plan Cancellations Looms

A new and independent analysis of ObamaCare warns of a ticking time bomb, predicting a second wave of 50 million to 100 million insurance policy cancellations next fall -- right before the mid-term elections.

The next round of cancellations and premium hikes is expected to hit employees, particularly of small businesses. While the administration has tried to downplay the cancellation notices hitting policyholders on the individual market by noting they represent a relatively small fraction of the population, the swath of people who will be affected by the shakeup in employer-sponsored coverage will be much broader.



  1. Perhaps it will again awaken the sleeping giant and we can vote them all out. Anyone who voted for it should go. Although the tired ass folks who want all for free will still want all for free.

  2. This country is no longer a sleeping giant, or any other kind of giant. We are a nation of sheep. A nation of laws, but they only apply to the ones who don't have money or connections.

    This country is in it's death throes, and some are throwing the dirt on the casket instead of trying to revive it. And ridiculing the precious few who try to fight the current destruction of this lost cause we call the U.S.of A.

    We are losing ground each day, and there are some of you that throw banana peels under our feet. What you don't realize, yet, is that we both shall be in the same camps, prisons, gallows, etc., and you will be not welcomed.

    Just as you are not helping us now, there will be no one to help YOU when that day comes. Think about that for a minute or two.


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