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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Oprah Winfrey, Still A Racist

Scratch the surface of an ultra-rich liberal elitist and you’ll find the heart of a hypocrite.

If Americans are so racist, how did you, Ms. Winfrey, become so fabulously wealthy?

For someone who is so incredibly wealthy, privileged, influential, and blackin America, it is bewildering that you feel that the same Americans that PUT YOU in that position are so racist and intolerant that they hold the President in “contempt” because he is black. Wait, I forgot something. Since you are intent on making the color of his skin the reason for American judgement, I want to be accurate about this. He’s half-white. What about that white half? Is that part racist or what? It’s all so confusing when you assign character traits to the color of skin.

This, from the video here.



  1. have always thought of oprah as a little ditsy. spouts words before really thinking things through. not to be trusted and certainly not someone to look up to. yes; she made her way in the world as a minority, and this is good, but the rest of her life is not something i would admire. always consider the source.

  2. Ditsy? Hardly. She is an intelligent, manipulative liberal that is.convinced she is smarter than everyone around her

  3. She needs to continue her healing. Maybe practice what she preaches.


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