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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Black College Forced To Cancel Health Plans For Students Because Of Huge Obamacare Price Increases

Young black Americans voted overwhelmingly for Obama. This is how he’s repaying them for their loyalty.

Officials at one one of the nation’s oldest and most elite historically black colleges are citing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as the reason they have cancelled a school-wide affordable health care plan they had offered students.

The official website for Bowie State, a Maryland public school less than an hour’s drive from Washington D.C., explains that Obamacare’s new regulations would force the cost of the insurance to rise from $50 to $900 a semester.

“Bowie State University has suspended offering health insurance for domestic students for the 2013-2014 academic year,” states the school’s official website. “Due to new requirements of the Affordable Care Act which will go into effect on January 1, 2014, the cost of insurance for domestic students will increase to approximately $1800 per year.”



  1. You idiots elected him. Deal with it.

  2. You get what you vote for! What did that idiot reverend of Obama's say? Chickens coming home to roost??? Enjoy your bird!

  3. They can simply stay on their parents policies until they are 27, no?

  4. Wait. Bowie is an "elite" university?? According to who? PLEASE don't say Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson....

  5. They deserve this. You know the ones who voted, voted for BO.


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