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Friday, November 08, 2013

Obama's EPA "Browning Out" US Energy Future

In the modern world, where energy flows, commerce and prosperity follows. The economic and industrial greatness behind the United States is built on the back of an infrastructure that makes massive amounts of energy accessible and affordable. Coal is a indispensible pillar of that infrastructure.

Since becoming an economic powerhouse, the United States has consistently relied upon coal as an abundant, reliable source of energy. According to the Institute for Energy Research, coal-burning power plants make up 37 percent of all electric energy generation in the United States. There is enough naturally-resting coal in the United States to power the nation for over 500 years at current energy consumption rates. America’s coal resources more than double the amount of natural coal found in the world’s second-largest repository nation, Russia. Coal offers the U.S. a great strategic advantage in the international marketplace.


1 comment:

  1. This ties into the smart meters.

    When real or artificial (remember Enron?) brown outs occur, you will be charged a huge premium for electricity.

    The old meters could just show that you used electricity. The new ones also report WHEN you use electricity (and all sorts of stuff from the Energy Star appliances).


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