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Friday, November 08, 2013

New Mexico Cops Give Woman Vaginal Search Without A Warrant

Just after we heard the story of two men who were anally searched for drugs multiple times, we now find out that a woman was vaginally assaulted by the police and otherwise abused and it’s even worse than the previous two cases as the police didn’t even bother getting a search warrant. The woman is now suing for sexual assault. It’s important to note that none of the three had any drugs whatsoever.

Laura Schauer Ives, a lawyer with ACLU, says she is preparing to sue the US Border Control for a sexual assault on a New Mexico woman who was stopped crossing over from Mexico into New Mexico. Schauer Ives calls the search, sexual assault, and notes that the police had no warrant when they took her client to the hospital. No drugs were found on the woman. Schauer Ives said:

“It’s terrifying. I think law enforcement has been emboldened, particularly where it comes to drug interdiction. It’s kind of anything goes. You couple that with drug interdiction at the border and you have a recipe for serious civil liberties violations.”



  1. DHS claims that the Constitution does not apply within 100 miles of the US Border. Yep...that means Delmarva, too. This might be a good case to refute their claim of power.

  2. where did you read that little tidbit?

  3. If that were the case, the U.S. couldn't bring any charges for crimes committed in that area.

  4. 4:42, I totally deny your claim with the 4th amendment, but if you have a link to the law that is unconstitutional, whip it out.

    I dare you!


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