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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Obama Removes 'God' From Gettysburg Address

Washington DC talk show host Chris Plante reported today that Barack Obama omitted the words "under God" from the Gettysburg Address when reciting the great speech for a Ken Burns documentary.

Burns had filmed all living presidents as well as various Hollywood personalities and luminaries to pay homage to the speech which was delivered by Abraham Lincoln 150 years ago, today.

Plante broke the story on Washington DC talk radio station WMAL on his mid-morning program, "The Chris Plante Show."



  1. Did we expect anything less?

  2. Actually there are different copies of this speech. The one he used is the one that is on file at the library of Congress. No doubt he chose to use this copy since it doesn't mention God in it.

  3. So is he a muslim or an God hating atheist now? Quick I'm confused as to how much hate I should awake with this morning.

  4. It wasn't his God ...

  5. Muslims are that way, they don't celebrate Christmas either, they go to Hawaii for a month.

  6. 9:23 What's wrong with celebrating santa day in hawaii?

  7. 3:11 PM - nothing if you are paying for it yourself and it is not santa day, it is Christmas.


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