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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Harry Reid Considering Rules Change To Curb Minority Power To Block Presidential Nominees

Senate Democratic leaders who have grown frustrated with the repeated Republican rejections of President Obama's judicial nominations are seriously weighing a historic change to the chamber's rules that would neuter use of the filibuster by the minority party.

"I'm considering looking at the rules," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Tuesday following a closed-door meeting with Democratic senators.

The rules change was a main topic of conversation at the meeting, Democrats said as they left. Some Democrats have already been contacted by Reid about supporting the rule change. Reid needs 51 votes to change the rules and Democrats control 55 Senate seats, but some Democrats are wary of changing the way the chamber is governed, in part because the rule change could be used against them if Republicans take control of the Senate in the 2014 elections.



  1. he needs to look at the rules, for a long time, now.

  2. Neuter is a good word, one that should be used on dingy reid. Although, I think pelosi wears his balls around her neck anyway.

  3. This is a good example of who should go home and stay there and shut his mouth forever.


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