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Sunday, November 17, 2013

More Of The 13 Year Old Killed By Deputy

Deputy who shot and killed boy, 13, carrying toy gun had 'pulled gun on a driver at traffic stop two months earlier'
Erick Gelhaus, 48, shot dead teenager Andy Lopez earlier this month

He has received death threats after the incident, which has sparked outrage and is being investigated by the FBI
Now a man has come forward claiming Gelhaus pulled a weapon on him during a routine traffic stop two months ago
Said the gun was held 'one foot from my face'

New information follows witness statement saying deputies continued to fire at Lopez after he had fallen down


  1. It isn't up to the driver to move after hes been pulled over, no matter if he thinks its not safe. The officer will determine that. You start to pull away on a traffic stop EXPECT a gun to be pulled dumb ass. The kid with the play gun, his parents should have taught him better. Bad parenting.

  2. Maybe he did maybe he didn't stick gun in face of traffic stop.
    Strange he waited till now to say anything. I'd been screaming that day about it.
    Sorry kid was shot. You don't play with guns around people who you know has a gun everyday. Was just a stupid act that can get you hurt. Every kid knows cops carry guns and a 13 year knows.

  3. 9:32 AM

    Yeah, I agree. His parents should have warned him some cop would kill him, and keep killing him after he was dead.

  4. Every kid knows cops carry guns and a 13 year knows.

    November 13, 2013 at 9:38 AM

    I guess their mistake is assuming cops know when to use them and not to use them. Silly kids.

  5. Bad parenting? A cop will use ANY reason/rationalization to justify killing anyone. Millions of kids have BB guns, airsoft guns, and paintball guns. Hell, most of the boys I grew up with had their own shotgun and walked in the woods and on their own property with it without getting shot by the police. If a cop saw us, he was just as likely to ask what king of gun it was, or how are we doing today, but not drop to a knee and bark commands about "drop the weapon!!", then start blasting away. But that was when the police didn't jump at the sound of a door slamming, or shoot everything that scared them. Which is everything. The police need to stop believing its their JOB to come home safely and anything that threatens that outcome is a target. If you're that afraid, get a desk job. Just stop killing kids and unarmed people and thinking you are doing a "good job".

  6. Imclain you're such an idiot. The game is simple. Follow the rules and do what you are told and you get to live! Didn't you ever play simon says or red light/ green light when you were a kid?'how about musical chairs? Those games had a purpose.

  7. Not that it gave the officer any justification,but that was a big 13 year old.To me he looked at least 16,and given the circumstances I might have done the same as the officer.

  8. Killing kids might be a game to the police. It wasn't for the mother and father. Don't relate or compare kid's games to blasting a child (or a college girl, or a man reaching for his wallet). THAT makes YOU look like an idiot. The law has a purpose, too. Start paying more attention.

    1. 10:42. Again dummy, they (kids) need to learn to follow and OBEY the rules of society and that's what those games were supposed to teach. Unfortunately we have become a society where everyone, winners and losers, get a prize just for showing up. I got new for you patsi, it don't work that way in the real world. Follow the rules and you live, don't and you die! Go to another country and test your low i.q. experiment and see what happens. Quite frankly you are sounding like an ENORMOUS IDIOT!

  9. So that is what this country has come to 10:16? Do what I say or die? I hope you aren't a cop with a mindset like that, what a ridiculous statement.

  10. Basically yes 10:43. Too many whiners out there want a prize just for being alive. It's called being selfish. To survive as a community rules are needed and are needed to be followed! Mouthing off to law enforcement is not the way to get one point across. Nor is ignoring lawful order.

  11. 10:54....that's exactly what I'm talking about when I say start paying more attention. The Constitution says "we, the people" have EVERY RIGHT to yell at the police, call them names, disrespect them, and criticize them. YOU, on the other hand, have no legal right to beat people into coma's for "mouthing off" to you, any more than Bill or Joe has that right. With great authority comes great responsibility and accountability. You apparently, just crave the authority without any of that cumbersome legal knowledge....we "get to live", huh? That's also a right that you aren't aware of.....start paying attention.

  12. Wow! Just when the hell did the U.S.of A. become a communist country?

    Do as I say, or I will kill you? A PUBLIC SERVANT demands its' master to obey every word or die?

    Holy crap. But thanks for making my point for me when I say police are not our friends.

    It seems pretty obvious from your words, attitude, and actions from cops nationwide that We The People are mere targets to you. Including our kids and our pets.

    You guys are not that smart, so it has to come from higher ups. But that is not going to help either of you when We The People finally find our balls and give you a taste of your own medicine and your comeuppance.

    Calling it your job don't make it right hoss, and 'I was just following orders' is NO DEFENSE.

    I told you guys to choose your side carefully. It seems you have chosen. So be it.

    1. They're your friends when you don't break the law or they are needed when someone punches you in the mouth 11:59.

  13. Don't pull AK-47's on cops and refuse their orders and you'll be ok. It's just that simple.

  14. 11:59-I agree with your comments.However,there is one thing I find incredibly odd,way beyond coincidence;why doesn't a cop or criminal ever shoot a terminally ill pet that the owner was faced with having to put down? That never ever happens.It's always a beloved pet in good health that they kill.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    They're your friends when you don't break the law or they are needed when someone punches you in the mouth 11:59.

    November 13, 2013 at 12:27 PM

    Tell that bs to the innocent people who have been raided by cops who have the wrong address. Tell that bs to the three people who had anal exams and colonoscopies for MINOR traffic infractions. Tell that bs to the THOUSANDS of people who had their pets killed needlessly. Tell that bs to the people who get beat up by drunken cops for no reason other than the cops felt like it. Tell that bs to....I could go on all day.

    The few bad apples that everyone so nonchalantly excused in the past has spoiled the whole barrel.

    Now, the good cop is the exception, not the rule. As so many like to demonstrate on here.

  16. 12:23....That would be MR. dummy to you. "Follow the rules", huh? Who is making sure you and your Nazi goons are "following the rules"? Because I'm pretty sure that the Fruitland speed camera's caught a WHOLE LOT of cops -- you know, the epitome of the "follow the rules" crowd. And on a larger scale, following the rules or not should not have your family attending a funeral, or visiting their kids in the hospital. You sound like a cop who is angry that no one will listen to you. Get beat up in high school by big girls?? Wish you were taller? Wish you had a better command of English, grammar, and spelling?

  17. None of the above dummy (3:10). I'm sorry however if all this brings back nightmares for you. You seem like the type who talks a lot of crap. Be careful doing that because somebody might think it's ok because dummy said so. You might get someone hurt. It probably won't be you because you know better right?

  18. 6:23 PM

    Sounds like you're the one always talking crap. But that's ok. We will get to you too in time.

  19. 6:23....thats funny... "none of the above" huh? Sort like when people say "it not the money, its the principal....". Bet your life it IS the money. Try shoe inserts.

  20. Seriously 2:37 and 9:38. You too dummys keep spouting off at the mouth about civil disobedience. Basically because it goes against the laws in place you're looking at a form of terrorism at the least. You need to stop before you tempt some otherwise innocent person into following your lead. You might think it's funny but it's not!

  21. 11:50 AM

    I don't see the words 'civil disobedience' in either of those comments you quote.

    And are you saying civil disobedience is a form of terrorism?!

    Sounds like you are running scared. It also sounds like a typical bully when he is confronted he quickly backs down.

    You really think someone can say something that will make someone else do something?

    You must think most people have weak minds.

    The only ones I know of that have such a weak mind as that are cops. They prove it everyday.

  22. You have to read the entire story idiot (2:08). In other words start at the first comment and read them all the way through.

  23. 6:43 PM

    ur instructions fail as well. I have yet to see civil disturbance anywhere in this article. Perhaps if you loan me your secret decoder ring I might be able to.

  24. 11:50 has been so brainwashed he can't even see it. People who break the law are committing a form of TERRORISM?! WTF! That sounds SO much like the reasoning dictators and tyrannts use, it's unnerving. If you have them, you should take the bullets out of your gun and turn your badge in.

  25. Until you walk the walk I can't take anything you say seriously immy. Suit up or shut up.

  26. Keep laying it on 'em, Annie. "Suit up or shut up" is the most half-assed, arrogant, and pitiful statement a cop could use to justify beating, murdering, and torturing people. Why? Because it's underlying premise is that cops just can't take the stess, pressure, or demands of their CHOSEN profession and can't help but take that stress out on anyone and everyone that doesn't "comply". Their SUPPOSED ability to operate under stress is a lie. Their SUPPOSED ability to control their emotions is another lie. They HAVE to beat and murder. Thats their reasoning and their admission. And its even a bit scary to think that cops think it's their RIGHT to "give 'em some more juice", kick a handcuffed WOMAN (!) in the head --now THAT is a bad ass cop! (and don't forget, the cop claimed "self-defense!! lol!) or to punch juveniles in confinement because maybe - in their own pious words -- he "deserved it". By their own statements, they've admitted that they don't know their job (law enforcement, not judicial powers) and by extension, don't know the law that governs their actions. And THESE are the people carrying guns?? And by condoning this ignorance and thuggery, State's Attorney's and judges are just as complicit. If not more so...

  27. What are you waiting for immy? If you're qualified go sign up. Or not.

  28. Or not, Annie. Some people are intelligent enough to get a better paying job. And won't lower themselves to becoming revenue agents for the state. And don't need to boost their self-esteem with a gun and a badge....

  29. I am comfortable with who I am and what I am. I do not need to wear a badge to make me feel superior to anyone. Somewhere along the line cops have lost the meaning of what it is to be a cop.

    It's not your job to judge. It's not your job to punish. And it certainly is not you job to kill. ANYONE or anything.

    Most of you thing you have a legal right to kill or do anything you damn well please.

    I don't know how or why you have gotten that misguided fable in your collective heads, but it has to be removed.

    One way or the other.


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