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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Atheist 'Church' On CNN


  1. the bible speaks about people like this. really nothing new under the sun.

    they simply think too highly of themselves to humble themselves to a living God.

  2. 9:46
    Wrong, as always.
    We just are not insane and believe in imaginary friends.

    Just for fun, can you explain something to me.

    How come it's okay to believe in God and so on but if some nutjob shoots his whole family and claims God told him to or the Devil told him to, he's called insane. Why is it you think?

  3. 11:53 Because religious nuts only use the positives, and shut up about the negatives. Kind of like a Dallas Cowboys fan.

    All religions need a serious overhaul. Churches should be stripped of their non-profit label, as they are a business, plain and simple.

  4. Why shouldn't there be an Atheist church? Atheists don't claim there is no deity, just that there is no evidence provided well enough to believe in any one of the thousands of deities man has made up over mankinds existence.

    Think about it, your Christian church doesn't believe in all those other gods, yet it gets it's own church, the Atheist's just take it one further, and don't believe in the Christian Yahweh.

    A Church isn't just about believing in a deity, far from it. It gives a sense of community, has outreach programs, youth groups, commrodery, sports, etc etc... not to mention not paying any taxes (pretty sweet deal if you ask me).

    So, can anyone present any reasonable explaination as to why an Atheist Church is so absurd?

  5. I feel sorry for non beliver

  6. I feel sorry for you non believes.

  7. When you create an organization around no beliefs, then that basically becomes a religion. How ironic.

    Yet another reason to just be quiet and enjoy your beliefs for yourself. That goes for every religious zealot.

  8. Well honey I can assure you that all the "non believers" feel sorry for you in return.

  9. I heart you 557. Thats the best thing I ever read!!!

  10. So what do atheists believe happens to your soul when you die ?

  11. @3:28 Can you please provide evidence that a soul exists?


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