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Sunday, November 24, 2013


And this is why you never ask to see what a frozen McRib looks like

The one thing everyone wanted and needed to see this week is a picture of a gray, frozen, completely unpalatable-looking Mc Rib sandwich from McDonald's before it’s cooked.

Luckily for everyone, that photo is now making the rounds on the Internet, and it's every bit as unsavory as it sounds. The image of the seasonal sandwich meat emerged out of

Canada (and we kind of don't want to be friends anymore, Canada — thanks for ruining lunch).


  1. The only thing that keeps fast food/restaurant food "edible", for most people, is the fact that you don't see these "Dirty little secrets".

    Having worked in many fast food restaurants, I can tell you that this is no different anywhere else.

    Do you think that frozen hamburger patties are better or worse? Frozen bags of fries? Frozen chicken patties or nuggets?

    These have looked like this for at-least 15 years - that's the last time I worked at McDonald's. I can assure you it looks the same as it did then.

  2. Are they even real? or manufactured?

  3. @Ray Are McNuggets real or manufactured? These are in the same area of somewhere in between.

    The meat is real, but processed, shaped and frozen. Guarantees consistency and is safe from minimum wage cooks. Easy to put into a meat press on a timer (like a nugget in a fryer on a timer)

  4. They have another new sandwich now made of bull lips. It's called a Mick Jagger.

  5. The so-called meat is organs, heart, lung, kidney, and liver, shaped into a rib thing. Gross!

  6. Do we really need a picture to know it's crap?

  7. Just google the McRib and you won't want it ever

  8. if you knew what was in or how it was made, you would never eat processed food again. that's why they don't tell you.

  9. It's just like the whachamachicken.


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