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Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Lawmakers Could Save Millions By Targeting Food Stamp Fraud

As House and Senate negotiators meet for the first joint talks on a bill that includes sharp cuts to food-stamp funding, an open question is whether lawmakers will get serious about targeting fraud in the massive program.

A recent inspector general audit suggests a full-blown crackdown on fraud could save $222 million a year.

The amount appears relatively small considering the government pays out roughly $70 billion in annual food stamps benefits. But negotiators will likely consider every penny of potential savings as they try to bridge the gap between the GOP-led House’s proposed $40 billion cut and the Democrat-led Senate’s $4.5 billion cut.

Food stamps, officially known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, are part of the larger farm bill but are being dealt with through the House’s separate Nutrition Reform and Work Opportunity bill.



  1. Between the fraud with food stamps and welfare and also all the fraud with people claiming the earned income credit that don't qualify, oh and the illegals that are getting refunds as well. Add all that up and it would be a huge savings. We can't do that though it might make them stop voting for the democrats.

  2. 90 Million folks out of Work, and most of them get $668.00 a month in food stamps...

    with Obama-CRAP they are trying to obtain more democrats totaling another 60 million...

  3. if they only would.

  4. Republicans are too lazy to actually create a program to do this. Instead they do across the board cuts so people who need this, like soldiers families get cut. Stupid. But they are in charge of the house.

  5. 8:21 That's it... let's not hold the ones who allow the THEFT to take place. Good job


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