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Sunday, November 10, 2013

First Scientifically Accurate Visualization Of 9/11 Attack


  1. Amazing video. Still heart breaking.

  2. LOL .. Ohhhhh What?

  3. There was no Purdue research of any type done. This wannabe did not even create his own clip as most of this was STOLEN from other sources. The one thing that is standard with these liars is they are all uneducated Hollywood wannabes. Look at this boys site and you will see he is simply a child that plays games.

  4. Annie you Mame/Sir are a Obama loving conspiracy fool,I think you should get on the next rocket-ship to Mars, I bet you think Hitler was innocent and WWI WWII Vietnam Korea and our present war with terrorism are just a Illusion, Why don't you do us a favor and sign up and go fight for your country the same reason why our vets are overseas fighting for YOUR right to spew BullShit So the next time you see a vet I dare you to go up to them and strike a conversation about your conspiracy theory and that they are fighting for nothing lets see there reaction.

  5. Building 7, not hit by an airplane and right next to or further than significantly more damaged burning buildings that did not collapse, collapsed perfectly and "symmetrically" in demolition style in about 6.5 seconds into its own neat footprint.
    To quote Wikipedia: Silverstein said: "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it. And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse." Silverstein's spokesperson, Dara McQuillan, said in September 2005 that by "pull it" Silverstein was referring to the contingent of firefighters remaining in the building, and confirming that they should evacuate the premises." It is interesting that it took almost a full 2 years to get an official response for this strange statement and no media or 9-11 Commission inquiry compelled the response. Patriotic citizens trying to gather facts helped force this revelation. That being said, the spokesperson's claims are dubious at best. On the very same PBS documentary Silverstein used the term "pull", another expert at the WTC clean-up also used the term pull to obviously mean demolish while describing how WTC 6 was going to be brought down. According to researcher Steve Watson, "The insurmountable problem with this explanation of Silverstein's statement is that there were no firefighters inside WTC 7."

  6. PS, go back to Crapsville Md, as i am sure that's a perfect place for you.

  7. willy willy willy,
    making stuff up again just to hear yourself speak, I don't know where you came up with your ranting fantasy.
    can you tell me where those invisible weapons of mass destruction were hiding? ya know the ones they never found that we went to war over?
    I am not sure how you tied 911 to other wars.
    What is sad is our vets are fighting for our freedoms that our government keeps taking away from us. Freedom to bear arms, freedom of speech, freedom from religion, those pesky constitutional amendments that our government keeps treading on.
    I suggest you do a little research to see how our vets themselves are having their 2nd amendment rights taken away from the daily, maybe ask them yourself how they feel about that.
    willy you simple little twit, most vets over the age of 70 do not trust nor believe most of what the MSM or the government spews, how do I know this? My father, uncle, cousin all who have served.
    You have any answers as to why the president is purging our military officers, I didn't think so.
    Have you seen that national guard video where troops are asked if they are willing to shoot and kill citizens during marshall law? I didn't think so.
    So step off your miniature horse, educate yourself and go back to your video games. This is grown up talk and you aren't old or smart enough to participate.

  8. 12:53
    Define WMDs. You mean those things that kill a bunch of people? You know like Saddam Hussein was doing?

  9. 1253 I wish you where in one of those buildings then you can tell us if you survived that it is all a conspiracy?

  10. 1:00
    Bush later said that the biggest regret of his presidency was "the intelligence failure" in Iraq, while the Senate Intelligence Committee found in 2008 that his administration "misrepresented the intelligence and the threat from Iraq". A key CIA informant in Iraq admitted that he lied about his allegations, "then watched in shock as it was used to justify the war".

    Those WMD

  11. 1:09 did you miss that class on punctuation? When you can form a coherent sentence, I may reply.

  12. Annie its nice to see someone is willing to do some research instead of just watching CNN. I for one can 't see how anyone can trust our government with all the lies that have been told. people need to wake up and start using some common sense.

  13. 1:09 is a horrible personNovember 6, 2013 at 1:51 PM

    1:09 not very classy statement, just goes to show the type of person that you are.

  14. Ann, Have you disgust you personnel feeling to your family members about how everything to you is a conspiracy i am sure you are most likely the black sheep in the family,and i am sure they are personally disgusted with your statements but i am sure you are probably a Two Faced Person.

    1. I bet you're an Obama supporter.I bet you believe everything you hear on CNN. your favorite show is Jersey housewives. I bet you would never take 20 minutes to try to do any research on your own.if today Obama told you the world was flat you would shake your head in total agreement. now everything might not be a conspiracy theory but if you don't know about false flags and you don't believe this stuff really does happen sometimes then you are a fool.

  15. 6:16 -
    sheeple can you say baahhhh.
    are you the same illiterate person from earlier? personal attacks? really? from a blog article/comment.....
    get some help, really.

  16. I am a moron and I don't know how to form complete sentences with proper punctuation and I can not spell.
    Instead of contributing to a conversation, I distract people with my foul commentary and make up stuff to insult others.
    I am hostile and unfriendly to those I disagree with.
    I am a sheeple.

  17. Anne WOW I am a Fool.

  18. Annie have you taken your obama Meds?

  19. 1:08
    I see you are still drinking that koolaid.
    enjoy sheeple


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