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Sunday, November 10, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Terry McAuliffe Projected To Win Virginia Gubernatorial Race

Democrat Terry McAuliffe is projected to defeat Republican Ken Cuccinelli in the Virginia gubernatorial election.


  1. Republican Party is done until they get rid of the tea party and stop voting on 1 or 2 issues that are never going tomchange

  2. Just saw the map. It looks like 90% of the map is red. Most of the counties around DC are blue. They have the same problem Maryland does. You have a few counties that decide for the entire state.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Republican Party is done until they get rid of the tea party and stop voting on 1 or 2 issues that are never going tomchange

    November 5, 2013 at 9:47 PM

    Bullsh!t. That Libertarian in the race lost it for Cuccinelli. I dare you to prove otherwise. Third party candidates ruin elections all the time.

    By the way nutsack what is wrong with the Tea Party? And WTH do you mean stop voting on 1 o2 issues that are going tomchange?

  4. to 9:47, you aren't politically astute.
    1. the 3rd candidate was financed by the left to be a spoiler. obviously it worked.
    2. the "tea party" candidate was up to 22 points behind and made an awesome comeback. this race was razor thin and this was not expected.
    3. the liberals are shaking in their boots.
    4. given the history of fraud in the dems camp each election cycle; i'm sure many votes were illegal.


  5. Fox meet henhouse....

    Virginia Founding Fathers are mourning tonight.


  6. 9:47 PM

    If they ever get rid of the Tea Party, then what? You think things will then magically get better across the board? Well, in a way they will. For the ones who hate freedom, liberty, truth, smaller government, less spending, smaller deficits, etc.

    The Tea Party is not the people's enemy. The old establishment guard is threatened by the Tea Party because The Tea Party is a threat to their chokehold on power, corruption and status quo.

    You, like a lot of uninformed people who just repeat what they hear without doing a single fact check, don't have a clue about what you say.

    The Tea Party is a thorn in the side for party members, whether dem or repub,who refuse to tell the truth, end corruption, abuse their power and all the other bad things they do. Many of which we don't even know about.

    You really, really need to do your own thinking, your own research, your own LIFE.

    All you, and others like you, are doing, is the dirty work for those corrupt, lying politicians.

    They lie and give you someone to hate and say they are responsible for all your problems, and you believe it without a second thought. You don't care as long as you have someone to hate and to blame.

    Meanwhile, those pols are sitting their fat asses in overstuffed chairs laughing their asses off at you and your stupidity for willingly giving up your liberties to attack the one's who are fighting to get them back.

    Please, do everyone a favor, including yourself, and get to know your 'perceived' enemy. You may find they are not your enemy at all and you have been played a fool by the ones you support.

  7. "Anonymous said...
    Republican Party is done until they get rid of the tea party and stop voting on 1 or 2 issues that are never going tomchange

    November 5, 2013 at 9:47 PM"

    While this race was lost by the GOP, if anything it appears as though the tea party is gaining momentum. If you know anything about VA elections, Fairfax County a suburb of DC usually votes nearly 70% democratic. McCullif didn't even manage to squeak out 60% there in this race.

  8. The so-called libertarian was backed by Obama bundlers...he is as much a libertarian as Obama is an honest man!

  9. And by the way--sorry Virginia--you are SCREWED!

  10. do not forget, elections aren't always honest.

  11. This is a sad day for the people of VA you get what you vote for kiss your state goodbye.

  12. Uhhhh ...what election ... my head was in the sand. Another day; another progressive.

  13. 1018, maybe thats because land (counties) don't vote, people do.

  14. The Democraps cheated as always this is a sad day for VA

  15. okay so what do you do now.first thing you need to do today is head down to your local firearms dealer an by whenever you can afford. next thing start seeking employment in another state because you will lose your job quickly.

  16. 7:02 that is always your excuse huh?

  17. 1018 people vote, counties don't

  18. Well, there goes my 3rd option exit strategy. Virginians.... why you do this?

    The guy is a obama and clinton hack, who doesn't know his a$$ from 3rd base... wait, that sounds like MD and the nation. Carry on.

  19. "Anonymous said...
    1018, maybe thats because land (counties) don't vote, people do.

    November 6, 2013 at 6:58 AM"

    Really? You've got to be kidding 6:58? What 10:18 is saying is that just like down here, the more populous areas in MD decide statewide elections. It's why the Founding Fathers came up with the electoral college system for
    the election of the president. More than 80% of the US population lives on less than 20% of the land mass (mainly LA on the West Coast and the DC/Baltimore/Philly corridor up to Boston MA in the East.) They foresaw what could happen if the popular vote system was used.

  20. 10:03 there is always Russia.


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