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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Americans 34 Times More Interested In Buying Guns Than Obamacare

It would appear that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) website - required when purchasing a gun or explosive - is capable of handling large volumes of users...


  1. Well, duh, which one will protect your health more without losing your house?

  2. US outs Saudi in oil production

  3. 9:28pm focus on the topic.

  4. This is the sort of thing Republicans are actually proud of. No wonder you guys can't win a presidential election.

  5. 10:07
    Exactly. When did our party get so nutty?

  6. Why is this "Nutty"?

    Obamacare is "Nutty".

    Choosing between the two, the gun is much safer.

    And I get to keep my house if I get a serious illness or injury.

    Because I said so.

  7. Just proves the truth. Neither a doctor nor hospital has ever tied to take my guns or violate the constitution like this dictator has. Give me bullets over bandaids until this communist leaves office. Need a reloader more than an xray machine at this time in history.


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