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Sunday, October 06, 2013

WW2 Vets Face Arrest For Visiting Their Memorial

This is an outrage!

An “Honor Flight” (the charity that brings World War II vets to visit their memorials in Washington, DC for free) is planning on bringing World War II vets to visit their memorial in Washington this weekend. But with the government shutdown, not only is the trip being threatened with cancellation, but the government is threatening to ARREST any vet who tries to enter the memorial! This is after the fact that on Monday, October 1st, World War II vets knocked down barriers blocking the WW2 memorial so they could visit it, which was “closed” because of the government shutdown. Nevermind that this memorial is outdoors and never, ever has barriers around it – so why the need now?

Honor Flight flys veterans to visit their memorials in Washington D.C. free of charge so they can see them. Most of these vets from the greatest generation have never seen the memorials built in their honor for saving the world from Nazi Germany and global tyranny.
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  1. The more I hear and think about this bs, the madder I get.

  2. Because the dems / libs realize that this "shutdown" is backfiring against them, and they are looking to cause as much pain to the American People as possible. Then they can show it and say "look at those Republicans-they shut down the government and kept this person from seeing his memorial".
    Those cowardly democrats won't even answer their phones on Capitol Hill--they have a message that they can't answer the phone or have an answering machine because of the shutdown. Harry Reid, Ben Cardin and Babs Mikulski all have this message. Even the White House "can't" answer their phone or have an answering machine. COWARDS

  3. IF they have personnel available to make arrests, logic would dictate that the memorial could remain open using the same folks to man the place?

    But this regime never did anything logical, have they?

  4. Were I president, I'd have MARCHED over there & PERSONALLY escorted those veterans through any barricades! I'd have DARED anyone to stop me. ( Me & Terry Cohen, patriots!

  5. If our elected officials really cared about the citizens of our country, a call would go out for "volunteers" to operate these memorials and parks.

  6. Leave the Vets alone and let them visit the memorial, they absolutely earned the right.

  7. mark lavin said he will march and take as many as he can get with him to open that memorial if they touch or arrest or harm any vet... specially from WWII...

    I think you all should support that measure if not anything else, and since your lack of action since 2008y i don't expect much from you though...

  8. What message does this action send to our people who are currently serving our Country? This is what happens when a Socialist is running our Country. Now, for those of you that voted for this clown and are veterans, how do you feel now?

  9. Where are the bikers? En masse to the Vietnam Memorial, stepping over the temporary fence that is keeping people out. They should do this one at a time every 30 seconds or so and get arrested - all day and all night. It would make the news and certainly shed some light that most of this "shutdown" is absolute BS. How the hell do you "shut down" a wall that you look at???? C'mon biker vets....ORGANIZE!

  10. This is what happens when you have a president with no honor, no code, no respect and no courage. Have hard working patriotic Americans had enough of this arrogant pompous dictator and his democratic/communist party whores yet?? Think about the lies, the deceptions and the obvious disdain this so called president has and is now demonstrating towards hard working middle class Americans?? We are Americans who believe in strength, courage and the Constitution. We are in the grip of a tyrannical regime with a true coward destroying our country in order to advance his socialist agenda. We are the laughing stock of the whole world. We need to take America back before it's too late.

  11. It took less than six years to do it: We are now officially a third-world country. I'm 68 years old - and I have never been ashamed of my country. Until now.

  12. No one knows what the spark will be that sets off the NEXT (and inevitable) American Revolution. It might be the sight of the Gestapo beating a 70 year old veteran on the orders of a buffon like obama.


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