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Wednesday, October 02, 2013

What This Elephant Did When Her Loved One Died is So Beautiful. It’s Hard Not To Cry.

While on a safari trip in Botswana, John Chaney, an amateur wildlife photographer, was lucky enough to witness a scene very few people have had the privilege to see. And he captured it on film. They found an elephant, and what she was doing is heartbreaking. It further proves the feelings and emotions of animals.


  1. Elephants are awesome. They will put themselves in harms way to save the life of another species.

  2. This is beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. These beautiful animals are smart, and as witnessed, they have great love for their packs.

  3. You can tell by their actions that they are not Democrats.

  4. You can visit them chained to a circus any time. So sad.

  5. Besides what humans do to animals like elephants in circuses and some zoos, elephants will be extinct in a few decades if we don't stop the poaching of them--they are constantly being slaughtered for their tusks...one every 15 mins. It's almost past the point of no return. They are beautiful, gracious, intelligent animals that care for their families and we only can blame ourselves for not stopping the ivory trade.

  6. why don't you write your congressman and complain, (after this bs shutdown), instead of whining on here? We get it already

  7. That Hyena needs to stop laughing.He reminds me of Joe Biden.


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