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Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Virginia Governor's Race Is Dead Heat

In a startling development in Virginia's race for governor, a just-completed Newsmax/Zogby survey shows Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Republican Ken Cuccinelli in a virtual dead heat.

The new John Zogby poll, conducted for Newsmax among likely Virginia voters from September 27-29, shows McAuliffe, the former Democratic Party national chairman, leading state Attorney General Cuccinelli by a wafer-thin margin of 32.5 percent to 32.4 percent.

According to Zogby, 10.8 percent of voters prefer "another candidate" and a strong 24.3 percent are undecided.



  1. Who cares at this point.

  2. if Virginia is dumb enough to elect a dem, they get what they deserve!

  3. How can we contribute to Cuccinelli?!

  4. The Democrat will loose unless Obama fixes the election as he did for himself. If there are no photo IDs required in Virginia, the Republican does not have a chance to win. And frankly most voters are beginning to think it doesn't matter anymore because the people that we elect don't listen to us anymore.

  5. The state that gave us Mount Trashmore.

  6. Just take a look over the border. Is this what you want? Good God don't be that stupid.

  7. 7:59 i'm sure you can google his name and get a website and even an email and phone number...


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