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Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Virginia Developing Database Of Residents' Identities

WASHINGTON, Virginia has created an identity database of the state’s residents for use by Virginia agencies. The database was built from using Department of Motor Vehicles records.

State officials told the Richmond Times-Dispatch that the $4.3 million system will help agencies uncover fraud and benefit to residents who want or need to do business with the state electronically.

Craig C. Markva, Department of Medical Assistance Services Spokesman, told the newspaper that this system will be helpful because when someone creates an account online, the Virginia government will be able to use this system to verify that the person is who they are claiming to be.

It was also reported to the newspaper that the first agency to use the new e-id system will be the Department of Social Services starting Tuesday, October 1, 2013.



  1. Is this program funded by the NSA?
    Looks like spying to me.

  2. OH.. I can't wait to get my iphone with the fingerprint so they can just pluck that off line. :)

  3. Will this work for voter ID? Oh, wait...


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