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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Poll: Unpopular Gas Tax Hike Drives Down O’Malley Approval; Brown Leads In Gov Race; Jon Cardin Ahead For AG

Overwhelming voter disapproval of a gas tax hike earlier this year has helped drive Gov. Martin O’Malley’s job approval rating below 50% for the first time in three years, a new poll found.

The Gonzales Research poll also found marginal support, 49% to 44%, for the repeal of the death penalty O’Malley pushed, but wider support for the gun control measures the governor also backed, 58% to 40%.

The results on guns and the death penalty exhibited a sharp partisan divide, with Democrats strongly approving of O’Malley and his legislative initiatives, while Republicans were strongly opposed.



  1. democrats have sh** for brains!!!

  2. He's term-limited, I hope!?
    The Dumbocrats in this state would elect him again....

  3. Dont forget our very own delegate conway voted and fully supported 40 new tax hikes including the gas tax increase.

  4. I guess no republican or independent will run? I gotta get outta here.

  5. When is Maryland goin gto wake up to thw reality of this guy. He is a socialist

  6. What's wrong with people? Down for the first time in 3 years? Idiots!

  7. 11:51
    Yes & he needed to get out of Dodge!

  8. If brown gets elected, I will lose all hope for humanity. Guy is a joke, and riding o'malley's coat tails.

  9. He raises the gas tax so he can steal more from the transportation fund. What a guy.

  10. Cardin will be the next senator for his uncle bill! All he has to do is find more money for his growing voter base.

  11. Anybody but Owe'Malley.

  12. WE love O'Malley in our Hot tub...

  13. Omalley/oscama same thing different Color.


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