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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Easton Man Charged With Raping Girl, 13

EASTON — An Easton man was arrested on Wednesday, Oct. 9, after allegedly having sexual relations with a 13-year-old girl in October.

Police identified the man as Sarbelio A. Fuentes-Bautista, who was charged with second-degree rape, third- and fourth-degree sex offense, and second-degree assault.

Talbot County Deputy State's Attorney Ellen B. Grunden said Fuentes-Bautista's preliminary hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 6.



  1. can't help but wonder if he is one of Obama's illegals that he refuses to deport.

  2. In some below the border countries the age of consent is 13.

  3. Came here illegally I bet. that's why we can't just let people come across the borders they need to have background checks you have no idea who the hell they are

  4. He does not look like an "Easton" man to me.
    He looks like an illegal alien that broke the law violating the sovereignty of the United States. Castrate him and bus him over the border.

  5. West Virginia too.

  6. He will have no problem getting off of this charge. He has support of Obama and all the other liberal Democrats in Maryland. He will just say he is gay, and illegal and then get in state tuition to a college of his choice. He won't be able to buy a gun in Maryland but can get one free from Eric Holder in the Fast and Furious deal.

  7. 8:01 PM
    NO! Not W/VA Looks like he has all his teeth.

  8. Man, these illegals sure are adding a lot to our society... WEN NEED MORE.

    Every Democrat Ever

  9. "...He looks like..."

    Pre-judge much?

  10. Anonymous said...
    "...He looks like..."

    Pre-judge much?

    October 18, 2013 at 9:45 AM

    It's people like you who have ruined our country.


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