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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Obama Wants Marines To Wear ‘Girly’ Hats

The old hats (left) compared to the new ones (right).

A change to the Marine Corps’ uniform hats could take the hard-nosed Leathernecks from the Halls of Montezuma to the shops of Christopher Street.

Thanks to a plan by President Obama to create a “unisex” look for the Corps, officials are on the verge of swapping out the Marines’ iconic caps with a new hat that some have derided as so “girly” that they would make the French blush.

“We don’t even have enough funding to buy bullets, and the DoD is pushing to spend $8 million on covers that look like women’s hats!” one senior Marine source fumed to The Post. “The Marines deserve better. It makes them look ridiculous.”



  1. Another ploy to take our attention away from Ob's agenda. While we are watching the right hand the left hand is busy behind his back.

  2. This is a follow-up to the repeal of DADT.....Don't ask - don't tell them apart.....

  3. like a true dick-tater, the kenyan has his nose in every little thing, because the great obummer sees all, knows all, controls all. maybe next he will tell the marines they don't need their rifles anymore because it makes them look too aggressive. THE GREAT OBUMMER, THE LYIN' KING, a farce to be reckoned with.

  4. I think they will look cute! Now if they would swish their butts as they march.

  5. The uniform on the left is classy and distinguished.

    The one of the left is just trashy. They look like slobs.

  6. That guy on the far right is obviously wearing blush and lipstick!

  7. Go figure. Looks like a circus monkey's hat!

  8. I hope every person that voted for "Wood Pile Boy", get their bellies full, of it's foreign un american leadership skills, it's never ending self indulgent flights of fantasy, always coming from a died in the wool liberal Democratic coward, who never served a single day in the armed services, for it's pretend country of origin, who was, according to wpb's own words, as well as others, a dope smokin draft dodger, livin the high life, in a foreign country, running it's big fat mouth non stop (pontificating wpb's gratuitous future for America) all the while real men, that actually deserved a chance to be President of the United States of America, were dying like flies in Viet Nam. He's a traitor to all who have died for this country. I can't see a single piece of good that it has done so far, just a waste of time and space.

  9. The hats on the right is what Rick Hoppes and John Tull wear everyday at the fire department.

  10. Leave the US Marines alone, they are so dignified in their uniforms and proud to wear it.

  11. MY GOD, The next president will have a field day erasing his huge mistakes. Praise god.

  12. Looks like the French Fartin Legion.

  13. The uniforms should stay as is. Just because Obama is gay.......he obviously doesn't want them to look like the strong men that they are! He wants them to look like he would want to look if he were in uniform.

  14. "Excuse me, what time does the train arrive from Washington?"
    "...Oh...You're a Marine?"
    "I thought you were our conductor...Sorry."

  15. If he would spend as much time improving conditions in this country, and getting his terrible, failure of a health plan corrected and working properly, he wouldn't have time to waste time and a lot of money on marine hats. He is a fool and a total incompetent!

  16. They are making them look like some UN troops or something. This is new world order.

  17. He's trying to sissyfy the image in an attempt to lower volunteers. For some the draw is tradition. For others it's the uniform.

  18. Obama has no respect for the customs and traditions of the worlds finest: United States Marine Corps. Leave this honorable service alone. If I'm the commandant of the Marine Corps, I would disobey this order.

  19. That's what he is attempting to do 8:58. He's implementing this so he can fire those that disobey. Once that's done he can restructure the Corps to insure the demise of our Country.

  20. We better WAKE UP before its too late
    This thing in D.C. has too GO !!

  21. You got real problems if the hat you wear makes you feel more or less masculine.

  22. Anonymous said...
    You got real problems if the hat you wear makes you feel more or less masculine.

    October 27, 2013 at 12:19 PM

    I bet you voted for Obama didn't you.

    1. 9:32 we forgive your ignorance. There have been numerous studies on the effect/intimidation factor of different styles of hats. Such as a campaign style cover usually commands more respect than a baseball cap. Look it up sometime.

  23. Changing the hats in this and all military branches will cost tax payers millions of dollars.

    What a Homo in Chief you voted for.


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