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Sunday, October 27, 2013


Northern California sheriff's officials and family members say deputies shot and killed a 13-year-old boy who was carrying a replica assault weapon.

Two Sonoma County deputies saw the boy walking with the replica weapon around 3 p.m. Tuesday in Santa Rosa. Lt. Dennis O'Leary says they repeatedly ordered him to drop what appeared to be a rifle before firing several rounds.



  1. Replies
    1. Not yet. Appears the boy was minding his business . Don't jump to conclusions yet.

  2. When did it become illegal for a kid to carry a toy gun around in public.

    Obama and the Democrats are doing everything they can do take our guns away from us.

    This 13 year old kid was used by Obama and his followers.

  3. Shoot to kill first.

    Questions not necessary.

    There is no excuse for this murder.

  4. 359 put a sock in it already. Sheesh

  5. Good shoot, moving on to a real story.

  6. It's nuts like 2:59 that need to be euthanized.
    How in the world can u justify killing an innocent child with a toy rifle?

  7. I'm getting more and more ashamed of my Country...

  8. I am SO sick of hearing stories like this. Killing innocent unarmed people, and their dogs. NOW shooting CHILDREN.

    WTF is wrong with cops? Are they that cowardly? Are they trying to piss off the public so that we revolt and start killing cops? Are they looking for a reason to implement martial law? Or something else?

    If I was that boys father, I would go Christopher Dorner on every cop I saw.

    It is well past enough is enough.

  9. Officers did what they trained to do. U as public look down the barrel of a gun and they refused your commands. Prayers to they officers and the teens family.

    1. Trained to do? Looking down a barrel?
      First officers aren't trained to jump out and open Fire.
      Second the story never said anything about the CHILD pointing at anyone.
      Its bad when kids can't carry toy guns or bb gins for that matter. I miss being a kid.and wish my children could play like I used to.

    2. 1:58, are you telling me that kids aren't capable of killing? GET REAL!

  10. Was the boy deaf or defiant? Either way he ignored the orders to drop the gun!

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Officers did what they trained to do. U as public look down the barrel of a gun and they refused your commands. Prayers to they officers and the teens family.

    October 24, 2013 at 10:39 PM

    Can you type that again, but this time try to be a little more coherent?

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Was the boy deaf or defiant? Either way he ignored the orders to drop the gun!

    October 25, 2013 at 12:34 AM

    Either way is NO reason to MURDER him. Bunch of damn punks. And you wussies wonder why you get no respect?

    It's actions like these, and comments like your empty head flushes thru your mouth that earn cops such disdain.

    It's a good thing you cowards have so much body armor and armored vehicles. You will be needing BOTH.

    Better grow a set of eyes on the back of your lumps you call heads too.

    You want to kill so eagerly? Let's see how you hall monitors like it when you are the ones targeted.

    And yes, you can call me a cop hater. I hate cops like the ones who kill when there is NO reason to and you other hypocrites defend and honor them.

    Yeah, YOUR deaths will be JUSTIFIED too. I hope your dogs stay in the car, for its' sake.

    1. 4:07, you seem bitter. Must be some kind of antisocial or something. Maybe you should go live in a cabin in the woods. Until.then learn and obey the rules!

  13. Boy I'd like to dial up your number 4:07!

  14. Anonymous said...
    359 put a sock in it already. Sheesh

    October 24, 2013 at 4:40 PM

    Are you that stupid? Why don't you take Obama's boyhood out of yours.

  15. I really can't directly blame the cops because this is what Obama and the Dem and the society they have created. This is not about gun control this is about CONTROL.

    Wake up America we have lost our rights.

  16. 4:07 body armour? I follow G Gordon Liddy's advice and aim for the head specifically the face or throat! of course one could always get penetrating bullets!

  17. 9:27 AM

    Right after cops begin to. I know how you guys just hate it when someone just dares to question you itty bitty authority. And I have yet to see any sympathy or kind words for the kid that was murdered. Just another day, right? He should've done this, he shouldn't have done that. In your eyes he probably shouldn't have been born.

    Why don't you guys learn and obey rules. Like your oaths for starters. Thou shalt not kill. Bear false witness (that means don't lie).

    I'm not anti-social. I'm anti-stupidity and anti-oppression. Both of which you guys have cornered the market on.

  18. Don't walk around with AK47's and ignore cops. Pretty damn simple. Justified, next story.

  19. 10:07 it is not illegal to walk around with an AK-47. Especially a plastic toy, and especially in a field.
    Do you really think he did anything to deserve being murdered by some zealot roid raging pigs?
    Dead boys tell no tales.
    In other words we'll never know the truth because the cops are guaranteed to lie to cover their butts.
    Nothing justifies this murder.
    Next story you troll.

  20. it wasn't an ak47 it was a TOY. ignore cops? 10 seconds they radioed a person with gun. 16 seconds they radioed shots fired and need medical.


    Get used to hearing that.

  21. OMG you did not really say that did youOctober 27, 2013 at 5:41 PM

    Good, one less one to be taking FOOD STAMPS and WELFARE checks in a few years

  22. and the kid was shot 7 times, two of which were fatal. brave cops emptying a mag into a kid.

  23. When did I say I was the master? It is ILLEGAL to possess a firearm at 13yo. It TURNED OUT to be a toy, it looked identical to the real thing. Again not hard to obey LAWFUL orders from police officer and put the gun down. The stupid 13yo is the ONLY one to blame.

  24. 5:41 PM

    there is an intelligent statement right there boy. wow how can anyone argue with such logic as that. Oh, that's right. No one can argue with that logic because it doesn't exist.

    I hope you feel this same way WHEN the police start treating YOU and YOUR FAMILY this way. And they will be coming for you. Just a matter of time.

  25. 11:18 PM

    You sound like obammy. It's always someone else' fault. You just don't get it and never will. These cops interjected themselves into this boys life who was not bothering anyone. Just playing with his gun. Granted it looked like a real one but unless you live in the Middle East kids don't usually walk around with an ak47.

    16 seconds from when cops stopped, and hid behind their car door, this kid was shot SEVEN times, by ONE cop. Who was training another cop to be.

    This stupid dead 13yo boy..............

  26. Uh kids walk into schools with weapons and kill people. People walk into theaters and open fire. The gun looks just like an AK 47. Its an unfortunate incident but as soon as the kid saw the cops or police cars he should have dropped the toy gun. Even if he was deaf, the cops have no idea hes deaf and cant test his hearing prior to possibly getting shot. If someone was in your front yard with what looked like an AK 47, im pretty sure youd call the police and they would be in the same situation


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