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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Liberals Feel Crush Of Obamacare

“Disaster,” “embarrassment,” “humiliating” and “train wreck” are just a few of the colorful terms being used to describe it. The Obama administration’s incompetent half-billion-dollar rollout of its incompetent multi-trillion-dollar signature achievement is but a tragic metaphor for this man’s entire presidency. (It’s not hyperbole when it’s true.)

Nearly three weeks in and the utopian promise of “affordable care” for all has yielded but a handful of folks who’ve even been able to sign up for this clinic in socialism.

That Obamacare – something billed as a health-care panacea for the collective – is something that the collective neither asked for, nor wanted, is now the back story. That it has failed so fantastically in every respect, has taken center stage.

Reuters reports: “In its third week of operations, the [Obamacare] website continues to experience problems, which government officials say they are working day and night to repair. Even allies of the Obama administration have been highly critical, with former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs calling it ‘excruciatingly embarrassing’ and calling for ‘some people’ to be fired.”

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., was both a sponsor of – and cheerleader for – Obamacare. He saw this coming. Once he read this 2,400-page regulatory monstrosity, he came to the same conclusion as did anyone else with two synapses to rub together. He called the implementation of Obamacare “a huge train wreck” and announced that, rather than resulting in his re-election, Obama’s pet government health-care albatross would sink him into retirement.



  1. Retirement? Not likely. Ob is determined to become dictator. That is why he is screwing up everything possible: so he can declare Martial Law.

  2. That's okay, Oblama is calling in all the private sector "experts" to solve the problem his government web makers blundered to put together.You know, it's the same bunch that he wants to have us vote in to let control the internet security, because private industry can't be trusted to a secure internet.

    Get it, kids?

  3. good. maybe that will shut them up for 5 minutes

  4. 8:38:
    If you could read, you would see that it's Max Baucus who is retiring.

  5. They should have listened to the GOP who were saying this from
    Day 1. Stupid bill dreamed up by stupid liberals who by their own admission didn't even read it before the morons passed it.
    Bottom line-liberal policies always fail. For proof look to places like Detroit and other areas that have been under demo control for generations. Nothing but cess pools of crime and poverty with scores of pathetic democrat slaves waddling around.

  6. “Disaster,” “embarrassment,” “humiliating” and “train wreck”...

    i prefer "colossal turd of epic proportion"


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